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Longo L.

Библиография книг автора

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Um Quarto De Lua Longo L.
Um Quarto De Lua
401.12 руб.
Perepepè Longo L.
401.12 руб.
Perepepè Longo L.
300.58 руб.
Четверть Луны Longo L.
Четверть Луны
Четверть Луны: мир, в котором спрятался Элио, возможно, не плод его воображения, а полотно, в которое его обернули. Во время отпуска в сельской местности, ему предоставится возможность познакомиться со Стражем, который откроет ему правду и, вместе с группой весёлых друзей, настоящих и выдуманных, он будет сражаться за свою свободу....
401.12 руб.
Lucilla Akiwa Mawinguni Longo L.
Lucilla Akiwa Mawinguni
Mfuatano: Naandika hii kwako Massimo na Maria Grazia ni wachumba na wanaishi maisha halisi ya kifasihi, na wanapenda kumwandikia kila mtu hadithi ya kubuni, bila kujali umri wao.Hili wazo lilizaliwa na wazo la kubadili hadithi walizokuwa wamewatengenezea watoto wao kuwa vitabu....
401.12 руб.
Siete Planetas Longo L.
Siete Planetas
401.12 руб.
Perepepè Longo L.
Series: I write for you Massimo and Maria Grazia are a couple in life and writing. They love writing together fantastic stories for readers of all ages. This series aims at turning the fairy tales and stories they have invented for their children into books. Translator: Kim Somers...
401.12 руб.
The Hat And The Magic Shoes Longo L.
The Hat And The Magic Shoes
Series: I write for you Massimo and Maria Grazia are a couple in life and writing. They love writing together fantastic stories for readers of all ages. This series aims at turning the fairy tales and stories they have invented for their children into books. Translator: Kim Somers...
401.12 руб.
The Hat And The Magic Shoes Longo L.
The Hat And The Magic Shoes
Series: I write for you Massimo and Maria Grazia are a couple in life and writing. They love writing together fantastic stories for readers of all ages. This series aims at turning the fairy tales and stories they have invented for their children into books. Translator: Deborah Deandri...
300.58 руб.
Super-Herbie And Marauder The Snake Longo L.
Super-Herbie And Marauder The Snake
Series: Written for you Massimo and Maria Grazia are partners both in the real life and in the writing process too. They love writing fantasy stories together, which are intended to readers of all ages. This series comes from the idea of turning the fairytales and the stories they invented for their own children into books....
401.12 руб.
Der Sichelmond Longo L.
Der Sichelmond
401.12 руб.
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