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Schwarz .

Библиография книг автора

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Der Makronenmord Schwarz .
Der Makronenmord
149.79 руб.
Der Makronenmord Schwarz .
Der Makronenmord
149.79 руб.
Der Makronenmord Schwarz .
Der Makronenmord
149.79 руб.
Der Makronenmord Schwarz .
Der Makronenmord
144.41 руб.
Der Makronenmord Schwarz .
Der Makronenmord
149.79 руб.
Blackwell Handbook of Social Psychology Schwarz .
Blackwell Handbook of Social Psychology
This volume on intraindividual processes is one of a set of four handbooks in the social psychology field and covers social cognition, attitudes, and attribution theory. Includes contributions by academics and other experts from around the world to ensure a truly international perspective....
23141.04 руб.
A Companion to Postcolonial Studies Schwarz .
A Companion to Postcolonial Studies
This volume examines the tumultuous changes that have occurred and are still occurring in the aftermath of European colonization of the globe from 1492 to 1947....
24270.14 руб.
Survey Measurement and Process Quality Schwarz .
Survey Measurement and Process Quality
An in-depth look at current issues, new research findings, and interdisciplinary exchange in survey methodology and processing Survey Measurement and Process Quality extends the marriage of traditional survey issues and continuous quality improvement further than any other contemporary volume....
23253.95 руб.
The Skilled Facilitator Fieldbook Schwarz .
The Skilled Facilitator Fieldbook
The Skilled Facilitator Fieldbook is based on the same proven principles outlined in Schwarz?s groundbreaking book....
7847.29 руб.
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