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Spiers C.

Библиография книг автора

Catalogue of Gold, Silver, Copper, Brass, Bronze and Porcelain Coins and Medals. Composed of the Well Known Collections of Dr. Spiers And C. T. Ward, Jr., Besides Additions From 1877 to the Present Time ; This Collection is Composed of the Most Ra... Spiers C. Ward C.
Catalogue of Gold, Silver, Copper, Brass, Bronze and Porcelain Coins and Medals. Composed of the Well Known Collections of Dr. Spiers And C. T. Ward, Jr., Besides Additions From 1877 to the Present Time ; This Collection is Composed of the Most Ra...
Книга "Catalogue of Gold, Silver, Copper, Brass, Bronze and Porcelain Coins and Medals. Composed of the Well Known Collections of Dr. Spiers And C. T. Ward, Jr., Besides Additions From 1877 to the Present Time ; This Collection is Composed of the Most Rare And"....
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