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Diana B.

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Portsmouth Fairy Tales for Grown Ups Diana B. Matt W.
Portsmouth Fairy Tales for Grown Ups
This collection of fairy tales for grown-ups contains dark moral tales, historical fiction, sci-fi, comedy, fantasy, crime, memoir and surreal fiction and is available post-free in the UK from the publisher's website, www.lifeisamazing.co.uk.. All the stories have been freshly-written and all are set in and around the UK's only island city....
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Soles. The Quest for Feet Diana B. George P.
Soles. The Quest for Feet
It is three o'clock in the morning when five pairs of abandoned shoes awaken inside Enzo's repair shop. Prima is an Italian-made pair of ice skates. Her pals are Di, distressed leather boots; Brody, high-top basketball sneakers; Dallas, a fifty-year-old pair of cowboy boots; and Looie, orange-suede walking shoes....
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Entering successfull the Indian market. Recommendations and challenges for German small and medium-sized companeies Diana B.
Entering successfull the Indian market. Recommendations and challenges for German small and medium-sized companeies
The objective of this study is to identify, to analyse, and to evaluate the market entry barriers for German small and medium-sized companies in India. Moreover, this study provides recommendations in order to minimize or overcome those barriers....
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