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Klingsohr-Leroy C.

Библиография книг автора

Surrealisme Klingsohr-Leroy C.
Provoquer l’ordre etabli par des instincts primaires Avec Salvador Dali en figure de proue, le grand vaisseau du Surrealisme a vogue sur les eaux turbulentes du debut du vingtieme siecle, les voiles gonflees par les reves et les desirs....
3382 руб.
Surrealism Klingsohr-Leroy C.
With Salvador Dalí as its figurehead, the great ship of Surrealism traversed the turbulent seas of the early twentieth century with sails billowing with dreams and desires. Inspired by the psychoanalytical practice of Sigmund Freud, the......
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Surrealism Klingsohr-Leroy C.
With Salvador Dali as its figurehead, the great ship of Surrealism traversed the wild and turbulent sea of the Roaring Twenties, its sails full of winds blown by Sigmund Freud and Andre Breton. With their mysterious, dreamlike, fantastic imagery, the Surrealists made sensational waves in the art world....
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