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Mink J.

Библиография книг автора

Duchamp Mink J.
Comment Duchamp changea le cours de l’art du XXe siecle Depuis quand un urinoir n’est plus un urinoir? Depuis que Marcel Duchamp (1887–1968) a declare que c’etait de l’art....
3382 руб.
Duchamp Mink J.
Changing the course of 20th-century art When is a urinal no longer a urinal? When Marcel Duchamp (1887-1968) declared it to be art. The uproar that greeted the French artist\"s Fountain (1917), a porcelain urinal installed in a gallery, sent shock waves through the art world establishment that reverberate right through to today....
от 1911 руб.
Miro Mink J.
Assassinator of painting: The artist who upset the establishment Joan Miro (1893-1983) is one of the most significant Spanish painters of the 20th century. The themes and treatments of his early work were shaped by the Catalan landscape and clearly......
от 2007 руб.
Duchamp (Basic Art) Mink J.
Duchamp (Basic Art)
An enigma to art historians and a great source of inspiration to other artists Someone else may have invented the wheel, but Marcel Duchamp (1887–1968) invented the ready-made. A bottle dryer may be a bottle dryer, but signed by Duchamp it is also one of the major works of 20th century art....
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Duchamp Mink J.
An enigma to art historians and a great source of inspiration to other artists Someone else may have invented the wheel, but Marcel Duchamp (1887-1968) invented the ready-made. A bottle dryer may be a bottle dryer, but signed by Duchamp it is also one of the major works of 20th century art....
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Duchamp Mink J.
An enigma to art historians and a great source of inspiration to other artists Someone else may have invented the wheel, but Marcel Duchamp (1887–1968) invented the ready-made. A bottle dryer may be a bottle dryer, but signed by Duchamp it is also one of the major works of 20th century art....
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Joan Miro. 1893-1983. The Poet Among the Surrealists Mink J.
Joan Miro. 1893-1983. The Poet Among the Surrealists
Joan Miro is one of the most significant Spanish painters of the twentieth century. His early work clearly shows the influence of Fauvism and Cubism. The Catalan landscape also shapes the themes and treatment of these initial works....
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