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Walther I.F.

Библиография книг автора

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Van Gogh. Tout l`œuvre peint Metzger R. Walther I.F.
Van Gogh. Tout l`œuvre peint
Genie et angoisse existentielle d’un talent torture De nos jours, les ?uvres de Vincent van Gogh (1853–1890) sont parmi les plus celebres et reconnues dans le monde....
11272 руб.
Van Gogh. L`œuvre complet - Peinture Metzger R. Walther I.F.
Van Gogh. L`œuvre complet - Peinture
L’?uvre fascinante d’une ame tourmentee Aujourd’hui, l’?uvre de Vincent Van Gogh (1853–1890) est l’une des plus connues et appreciees dans le monde....
6764 руб.
Van Gogh. L`Œuvre complet - Peinture Metzger R. Walther I.F.
Van Gogh. L`Œuvre complet - Peinture
Genie et angoisse existentielle d’un maitre de l’expressionnisme L’histoire de Vincent van Gogh est l’une des plus tragiques de l’histoire de l’art....
4510 руб.
Van Gogh Walther I.F.
Van Gogh
Le genie torture d’un maitre du post-impressionnisme Aujourd’hui, les ?uvres de Vincent van Gogh (1853–1890) sont parmi les plus connues et les plus celebrees dans le monde....
3382 руб.
Gauguin Walther I.F.
Le regard de Paul Gauguin sur le Pacifique resplendit de couleurs et de lumiere Paul Gauguin (1848–1903) n’etait pas fait pour la finance. Ni pour faire carriere dans la marine francaise, ni pour demeurer vendeur de baches a Copenhague sans parler un mot de danois....
3382 руб.
Paul Gauguin Walther I.F.
Paul Gauguin
Paul Gauguin (1848-1903) was not cut out for finance. Nor did he last particularly long in the French Navy, or as a tarpaulin salesman in Copenhagen who did not speak Danish. He began painting in his spare time in 1873 and in 1876 took part in the Paris Salon. Three years later, he was exhibiting alongside Pissarro, Degas, and Monet....
от 2007 руб.
The Railway Invasion Of Mexico Walther I.F.
The Railway Invasion Of Mexico
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible....
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Automobil Und Automobilsport (German Edition) Walther I.F.
Automobil Und Automobilsport (German Edition)
Эта книга — репринт оригинального издания, созданный на основе электронной копии высокого разрешения, которую очистили и обработали вручную, сохранив структуру и орфографию оригинального издания. Редкие, забытые и малоизвестные книги, изданные с петровских времен до наших дней, вновь доступны в виде печатных книг. ...
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Impressionist Art Walther I.F.
Impressionist Art
Luscious dabs of color and light: Art history\"s most delightful movement Blockbuster exhibitions, record sums at auction, Impressionism continues to beat once one of the most popular and the most fascinating movements in the history of modern......
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Van Gogh Walther I.F.
Van Gogh
Today, the works of Vincent van Gogh (1853–1890) are among the most well known and celebrated in the world. In Sunflowers, The Starry Night, Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear, and many paintings and drawings beyond, we recognize an artist uniquely......
1911 руб.
Gauguin Walther I.F.
Gauguin’s search for pristine originality and unadulterated nature After starting a career as a bank broker, Paul Gauguin (1848–1903) turned to painting only at age twenty-five....
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Codices Illustres: The World`s Most Famous Illuminated Manuscripts Walther I.F. Wolf N.
Codices Illustres: The World`s Most Famous Illuminated Manuscripts
From The Book of Kells to Boccaccio\"s Decameron and from the Vienna Genesis to Dante\"s Divine Comedy, to open Codices illustres is to open the door into a precious, private world. Now in a new format, this radiant book brings you face-to-face with 167 of the most exquisite and important manuscripts of the medieval age....
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Paul Gauguin Walther I.F.
Paul Gauguin
Paul Gauguin wurde 1848 in Paris geboren. Er kam erst im Alter von 25 Jahren, nach abgebrochener Borsenmaklerkarriere, zur Malerei. Nach anfanglichen Erfolgen im Kreis der Impressionisten zerbrach seine Freundschaft mit Vincent van Gogh; private Schwierigkeiten lieften ihn unstet werden....
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Marc Chagall Metzger R. Walther I.F.
Marc Chagall
Marc Chagall wurde 1887 im russi-schen Witebsk als Sohn eines Fischverkaufers geboren. Nichts deutete darauf hin, daft er die kleinburgerlichen Verhaltnisse seiner judischen Familie verlassen sollte, um einer der bekanntesten Maler des Jahrhunderts zu werden. Doch, so sagte er selbst, \"meine Hande waren zu zart\"....
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Impressionism Walther I.F.
This monograph covers the full scope of Impressionist painting. The first part outlines the history of Impressionism in France, addressing not only the work of the acknowledged masters, but also that of such unjustly neglected artists as Frederic......
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