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Yadav I.

Библиография книг автора

Dependence of Forest Villagers on NWFP Collection Yadav I.
Dependence of Forest Villagers on NWFP Collection
More than 10,000 forest villages of Jharkhand (India), with mostly marginal farmers and landless laborers, rely on forest and forest produce for their sustenance. Since, removal of timber is restricted, they can only use Non-wood Forest Products (NWFP)....
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Municipal Solid Waste Management in Mysore,India:Problems and Prospect Prasad N. Yadav I.
Municipal Solid Waste Management in Mysore,India:Problems and Prospect
This book provides basics as well as new methods of municipal solid waste management including generations, collection and storage, transportation and treatment and disposal. The problems and prospects of MSW management in Mysore city have well explained with sevral images of MSWM operation....
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