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Hasan N.

Библиография книг автора

Child Labor in Automobiles of Bangladesh Hasan N.
Child Labor in Automobiles of Bangladesh
Child labor is a highlighted problem in most of the developing country throughout the world. Unfortunately, as in other developing country Bangladesh is not free from the curse of child labor. Working children are widely seen in most of the urban centers of Bangladesh. Children involved in economic activities due to extreme poverty....
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Mapping the dynamics of world agricultural research output Hasan N.
Mapping the dynamics of world agricultural research output
Agriculture sector is the largest private sector enterprise in India, covering about 100 million farmers and 70% of the population is dependent on agriculture for livelihood. It contributes about 25% of country\"\"s Gross Domestic Product. In such a context, the subject of agriculture with its allied branches acquires immense significance....
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Morphometric Analysis Of Spinal Cord In Indian Human Foetuses Hasan N. Maheshwari T.
Morphometric Analysis Of Spinal Cord In Indian Human Foetuses
This book provides an insight to the Foetal anatomy that has become very special now a days due to application of surgery before birth for the treatment of lethal disorder....
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Relationship between Students Satisfaction & Motivation Hasan N. Iqbal S.
Relationship between Students Satisfaction & Motivation
The purpose of this study is to explore the impact of activities of schools on the motivation of students. Six determinants of motivation of students were identified and their impact was measured....
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Elementary Fuzzy Set Theory Hasan N.
Elementary Fuzzy Set Theory
This book is organized not only for the students of pure Mathematics who would like to pursue their higher study and research in set theory but also for the students of applied Mathematics and other fields. Detailed discussions of classical sets are beyond the scope of this book. But definitions and notations will be frequently used....
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Phytopesticides and Pyrethroid Abid R. Hasan N. Samina A.
Phytopesticides and Pyrethroid
Toxicty of two phytopesticides Acorus calamus (AC) essential oil and Biosal(Neem formulation Biosal,Neem pesticide registered by APTA) compared with Synthetic pesticide Deltamethrin (DM). The monograph is based on the Toxicity of Phytopesticides and Pyrethroid Against callosobruchus analis and provided the sophisticated information....
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