Reddy Y.
Библиография книг автора
Reddy Y.
Student Learning in Higher Education Programs in India
This book focuses on evaluating the effectiveness of rubric assessment procedure in measuring and promoting student learning....
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Reddy Y.
Causes For Absenteeism
Absenteeism is a habitual pattern of absence from a duty or obligation.Absenteeism as a symptom refers to the reasons that a person, may be absent from school (truancy) or work. Sometimes people are too sick to come in and in some cases they are making excuses....
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Reddy Y.
Study Habits of Undergraduate Students: Psycho-Sociological Variables
The study habits have such a great importance with regard to educational improvement. This Book is concerned with the study habits of under graduate students in relation to certain psycho-sociological variables in S.V. University area. This Book examines the differences in the study habits of male and female students; their course of study, Govt....
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Raju Y.
Reddy Y.
Energy Management and Control System Design for Hybrid Power Systems
The need for unrelenting increment in energy production, diminution in currently reliant fossil fuel resources, and the perception to plummet the CO2 emissions are the foremost factors for stipulating the growth of “Green Energy” generation systems based on renewable energy resources....
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Reddy Y.
Value Oriented Education
Value Oriented Education’ is a complex process. So, the teachers have to be doubly careful in choosing right values and in imparting the same both inside and outside the class room to his students. The problem value oriented education of the young has assumed increasing prominence in educational discussions during recent times....
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Reddy Y.
Attitude Of B.Ed Students Towards Teaching Learning Material
The materials used in the teaching and learning process facilitate the teacher to teach his lesson in an orderly manner. It makes the difficult concepts simple in a scientific way for pupils. Teaching learning material is very crucial in the context of learner....
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Kumar K.
Reddy Y.
Microgrid Architectures and Maintenance
Over the past several years, power demand is immensely increasing in isolated mode or grid connected mode of applications continuously due to the growth in demand of various classes of consumers like domestic, industrial, agricultural, and etc. To meet this, various conventional power plants are operating by using fossil fuels as major resource....
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Reddy Y.
Radiation and Chemical Reaction Effects on MHD
The growth of civilization over the world is the history of the growth of energy. An energy-deficient society is weak and cannot make economic advancement and it is primarily the electrical energy that keeps the wheels of progress moving at a very acceleratating pace....
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Reddy Y.
Sudhakar V.
Post harvest losses in sugarcane due to delayed harvest and crush
Sugarcane is the world’s most important sugar crop, grown for the purpose of white sugar, gur and khandsari. Out of World’s total white crystal sugar production about 70% comes from sugarcane which popularized the crop as kalpavriksha (or) wonderful crop. In India, the crop is cultivated over an area of 5....
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Reddy Y.
Spatial Requirements For Pigeonpea Genotypes During Rabi Season
Among the pulse crops grown in India, pigeonpea is the second important crop cultivated over an area of 3.37 million hectares with an annual production of 2.26 million tonnes and a productivity of 871 kg ha-1....
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Pagadala C.
Reddy Y.
Functional Estimation Of Technical Progress
Technical change and its measurement is a fascinating subject. The various procedures to measure technical change fall into two categories (i).The parametric approach and (ii). The non-parametric approach. In theformer case, a parametric production function is postulated a priori, using it as basic tool, technical change is estimated....
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