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Sapkota R.

Библиография книг автора

Water Quality Assessment & Willingness to Pay in Wetland Conservation Sapkota R. Shahi A.
Water Quality Assessment & Willingness to Pay in Wetland Conservation
The wetlands serve as the best possible gift of nature to human because of its prominent ecosystem services and values. These wetlands are however exhausted by different natural and anthropogenic activities. The anthropogenic activities to the wetlands self explains the reason of its degradation being as a center of attraction for people....
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Copper resistant mould from industrial effluents Sapkota R.
Copper resistant mould from industrial effluents
In India the plight of environment is very poor. Most of the industrial effluents contain heavy metal ions that are constantly increasing the metal ion concentration in the environment. The outcome of this situation is seen in the form of health hazards, low crop yield and poor quality of food and feed....
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Role of Biogas for the emission reduction of the greenhouse gases Adhikari B. Sapkota R.
Role of Biogas for the emission reduction of the greenhouse gases
This book is based on my research work, which was held on the Damak Municipality of Jhapa District of Eastern Nepal. This work is mainly based on the renewable energy (Biogas) that is being used in the research area and the present energy consumption scenario....
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Cucurbit Fruit Fly (Bactrocera cucurbitae Coq.) In Summer Squash Sapkota R.
Cucurbit Fruit Fly (Bactrocera cucurbitae Coq.) In Summer Squash
Cucurbit fruit fly (CFF), Bactrocera cucurbitae (Coq.), is one of the most important pests of cucurbits, and squash (Cucurbit pepo L.) is highly prone to damage by this pest. Because of the difficulties associated with the control of this pest by chemical insecticides, farmers experienced great losses in cucurbits....
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Nutrient priming in Mungbean Sapkota R.
Nutrient priming in Mungbean
Mungbean [Vigna radiata (L). Wilczek] is an important and emerging grain legume that fits in diverse cropping systems across the terai and foothills of Nepal. Mungbean, known as mung is a short duration grain legume crop supplying a substantial portion of protein to the cereal based diet of the Nepalese people....
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