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Pagadala C.

Библиография книг автора

Functional Estimation Of Technical Progress Pagadala C. Reddy Y.
Functional Estimation Of Technical Progress
Technical change and its measurement is a fascinating subject. The various procedures to measure technical change fall into two categories (i).The parametric approach and (ii). The non-parametric approach. In theformer case, a parametric production function is postulated a priori, using it as basic tool, technical change is estimated....
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Estimation Of Undesirable Outputs Karunakar K. Pagadala C.
Estimation Of Undesirable Outputs
The commercial banking sector in India is constituted by public, private and foreign sector banks. Public sector banks operate at a larger scale than private and foreign sector banks. Before nationalization of Banks they played the role of financial intermediaries whose objectives were deposit collection and lending....
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Measurement Of Technical Change Mummineni R. Pagadala C.
Measurement Of Technical Change
The bench mark to measure potential output is the data envelopment frontier determined by the best practice production units, which in the language of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) are called Decision Making Units (DMU’s)....
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On Mathematical and Statistical Forecasting Models Pagadala C. Reddy M.
On Mathematical and Statistical Forecasting Models
In this book some mathematical and statistical models have been specified for forecasting and proposed certain criteria for choosing an appropriate forecasting model....
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Some Models For Measuring Technical Progress Pagadala C. Reddy B.
Some Models For Measuring Technical Progress
Measurement of technical progress dates back to Solow (1957) who expressed technical change as residual, obtained by subtracting weighed input growth from output growth. There were studies of measuring technical change based on factor minimal cost function, assuming technical change is Hicks neutral, producer was at equilibrium....
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Estimation of Stochastic Cost and Production Frontiers Pagadala C. Sreenivasulu K.
Estimation of Stochastic Cost and Production Frontiers
The study estimates efficiency magnitudes by applying LPP technic and compare them with their Stochastic Counterparts. The proposed study combines timeseries, cross section observations on Inputs, Input prices, outputs, derives factor minimal cost functions and formulates the Likelihood functions and maximise them to find MLEs of known parameters....
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