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Perec G.

Библиография книг автора

Species of Spaces and Other Pieces Perec G.
Species of Spaces and Other Pieces
Georges Perec produced some of the most entertaining and spirited essays of his age. His literary output was amazingly varied in form and style and this generous selection of Perec\"s non-fictional work also demonstrates his characteristic lightness of touch, wry humour and accessibility....
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Portrait Of A Man Perec G.
Portrait Of A Man
Gaspard Winckler, master forger, is trapped in a basement studio on the outskirts of Paris, with his paymaster\"s blood on his hands. The motive for this murder? A perversion of artistic ambition. After a lifetime lived in the shadows, he has strayed too close to the sun....
2442 руб.
The Penguin Book of Oulipo Calvino I. Perec G. Queneau R.
The Penguin Book of Oulipo
Brought together for the first time, here are 100 pieces of \"Oulipo\" writing, celebrating the literary group who revelled in maths problems, puzzles, trickery, wordplay and conundrums. Featuring writers including Georges Perec, Raymond Queneau and Italo Calvino, it includes poems, short stories, word games and even recipes....
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W or The Memory of Childhood Perec G.
W or The Memory of Childhood
Written in alternating chapters, W or the Memory of Childhood, tells two parallel tales, in two parts. One is a story created in childhood and about childhood....
2142 руб.
Things. A Story of the Sixties with A Man Asleep Perec G.
Things. A Story of the Sixties with A Man Asleep
Things: A Story of the Sixties is the story of a young couple who want to enjoy life, but the only way they know how to do so is through ownership of \"things\". Perec\"s first novel won the Prix Renaudot and became the cult book for a generation....
2266 руб.
A Void Perec G.
A Void
Anton Vowl is missing. Ransacking his Paris flat, a group of his faithful companions trawl through his diary for any hint as to his location and, insidiously, a ghost, from Vowl\"s past starts to cast its malignant shadow....
2621 руб.
Life. A User`s Manual Perec G.
Life. A User`s Manual
In this ingenious book Perec creates an entire microcosm in a Paris apartment block. Serge Valene wants to make an elaborate painting of the building he has made his home for the last sixty years. As he plans his picture, he contemplates the lives of all the people he has ever known there....
2584 руб.
La disparition Perec G.
La disparition
Trahir qui disparut, dans La disparition, ravirait au lisant subtil tout plaisir. Motus donc, sur l\"inconnu noyau manquant - \\\"un rond pas tout à fait clos finissant par un trait horizontal\\\" - blanc sillon damnatif où......
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Un homme qui dort Perec G.
Un homme qui dort
Tu as vingt-cinq ans et vingt-neuf dents, trois chemises et huit chaussettes, quelques livres que tu ne lis plus, quelques disques que tu n\"ecoutes plus. Tu n\"as pas envie de te souvenir d\"autre chose, ni de ta famille, ni de tes etudes, ni de tes amours, ni de tes amis, ni de tes vacances, ni de tes projets....
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La Vie mode d'emploi Perec G.
La Vie mode d'emploi
La vie mode d\'emploi est un livre extraordinaire, d\'une importance capitale non seulement dans la création de l\'auteur, mais dans notre littérature, par son ampleur, son organisation, la richesse de ses informations,......
2632 руб.