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Nair B.

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Drinking Water Safety in Slums: Assessing awareness Gaps Nair B. Sharma N.
Drinking Water Safety in Slums: Assessing awareness Gaps
Clean drinking water, one of the basic requirements of a healthy human population has now become a public health challenge, threatening the sustainability of social and economic development across the world....
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Active Microwave Imaging for Mammography Nair B.
Active Microwave Imaging for Mammography
Breast cancer is the most common cause of non-skin malignancy in women and a leading cause of female mortality. A potentially important strategy for reducing this menace is the detection at an early stage. However, conventional mammographic detection techniques have many drawbacks and often cause harm to patients....
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Studies on Bee Sting Bush Gayathri G. Nair B.
Studies on Bee Sting Bush
Azima tetracantha, commonly known as Bee sting bush (Yashanku in Malayalam, Kundali in Sanskrit)is used in folk lore herbal medicine practices in the villages of South Kerala as a vitalizer and stimulant. The plant belongs to the family Salvadoraceae. It is a rambling shrub, with four thorns at right angle to each other, at each node....
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