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Rashid J.

Библиография книг автора

Institutional Finance for Micro and Small Entreprises in India Rashid J.
Institutional Finance for Micro and Small Entreprises in India
The supply of adequate and timely finance has been identified as one of the major problem area to support and sustain the industrialization process. The sources of finance for the MSEs are classified into institutional and non-institutional. In India, out of these two sources, institutional finance is regulated and directed by the Govt....
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Effects of lead toxicity on Soybean (Glycine Max) Habib A. Rashid J.
Effects of lead toxicity on Soybean (Glycine Max)
Lead nitrate caused an inhibition in sodium accumulation in the root of soybean plants. Sodium accumulation in the stem and leaf was increased at 21-day plants subjected to lower concentration of lead nitrate treatment....
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