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Bhatt A.

Библиография книг автора

An Investigation into the Knowledge of Vocabulary of English Language Bhatt A.
An Investigation into the Knowledge of Vocabulary of English Language
This book highlights how the vocabulary is an essential aspect of language teaching and learning. Vocabulary is significant for teachers in teaching of any language as well as transacting the syllabus and also meeting the requirement and the need of effective teaching learning process....
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Self Instructional Technology for Higher Education Students Bhatt A.
Self Instructional Technology for Higher Education Students
Focusing specially on the role of education at advanced levels it can be said that higher Education provides an opportunity to reflect upon the critical social economic, cultural, moral and spiritual issues facing humanity. It contributes to national development through dissemination of specialized knowledge and skills....
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Ftir Spectroscopy Of Hormones, Enniatin B, Beuvericin And Some Enzymes Bhatt A. Rathod P.
Ftir Spectroscopy Of Hormones, Enniatin B, Beuvericin And Some Enzymes
The FTIR spectroscopy of charge transfer complexes of hormones, enzymes, enniatin B and beuvericin are studied here. The FTIR spectra of CTCs of hormones namely insulin, thyrotropin-releasing hormone, vasopressin and glucagon with organic acceptors is the subject of present study....
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Thermo-physical properties of FLUORSPAR Bhatt A. Joshi R.
Thermo-physical properties of FLUORSPAR
We presently conclude that the present study supplemented by previousobservations reveals that though the anharmonicity in CaF2 is very strong, high-T thermodynamic properties can be accurately obtained only by considering the volume dependence of the phonon frequencies....
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The Multi-Criteria Ranking Approach to Classification Algorithms Bhatt A. Bhatt N.
The Multi-Criteria Ranking Approach to Classification Algorithms
In Classification, selection of classifier for data set is difficult. Meta learning automates this process by acquiring knowledge from past experience but generation of meta example is a costly process. So Active Meta Learning can be used which reduces generation of meta examples and at the same time maintaining performance of candidate algorithms....
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Ranking of Classifiers Using Active Meta Learning Bhatt A. Bhatt N.
Ranking of Classifiers Using Active Meta Learning
In Classification, Model Selection is one of the critical issues as different models from different categories are available. To select the best model for any given data set is a challenging task. Meta Learning automates this task by acquiring knowledge from the past experience and stores this knowledge into database called Meta Knowledge Base....
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Viability and variability in genus Swertia Bhatt A.
Viability and variability in genus Swertia
Swertia is an important genus of family Gentianaceae, distributed in the mountains of tropical Asia, Europe, America and Africa. Among 16 Swertia species known from north west Himalayan region, S. chirayita and S. angustifolia are most widely known for their medicinal properties and utilized extensively in different systems of medicine....
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