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Hossain R.

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Improving Spelling Skills in Developing Countries Hossain R.
Improving Spelling Skills in Developing Countries
This study focuses on a very important but somehow not very well-researched issue related to the writing skills of students in Bangladesh. Teaching spelling, in particular, is difficult even in the best of situations....
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Fish Farming in Irrigated Rice Field Hossain R.
Fish Farming in Irrigated Rice Field
The global population is increasing day by day andtherefore the demand for food is also increasing. Inmany counties, the majority of the rural people arepoor and rice farming is the single most importantlivelihood for them. Drought prone Barind area ofBangladesh is considered one of the low output zonein terms of agricultural production....
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The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Hossain R.
The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)
Current interest in regionalism, often referred to as “new regionalism\\\" or NR, is undoubtedly one of the important trends in contemporary international relations....
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Microentrepreneurship Development in Bangladesh Alam M. Hossain R.
Microentrepreneurship Development in Bangladesh
Microentrepreneurial activities play a pivotal role in rural economic development in the third world countries. As a result, in Bangladesh poverty alleviation through rural centric microentrepreneurship development has been focused for more than thirty five years....
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Advanced Theory of Peat Vehicle Mobility Hossain R. Rahman A.
Advanced Theory of Peat Vehicle Mobility
The Advanced Theory of Peat vehicle has been written with emphasizing the fundamental engineering principles underlying the determination of the mechanical properties of peat terrain, developing simulation models for optimizing the vehicle design parameters, the rational design and development of non guided and intelligent vehicle more accurately i...
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Micropropagation and Somatic Embryogenesis in Garlic Chowdhury J. Hossain R.
Micropropagation and Somatic Embryogenesis in Garlic
In vitro propagation of virus free clones through meristem and subsequent field evaluation of microclones were explored....
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In Vitro Clonal Propagation of Muskmelon Faria L. Hossain R.
In Vitro Clonal Propagation of Muskmelon
In the present investigation an attempt was made to develop a large scale production of planting materials of two Japanese hybrid cultivars of muskmelon through micropropagation. Seeds of two popular Japanese muskmelon cultivars were surface sterilized and cultured on semisolid MS medium supplemented with different concentrations of GA3....
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In Vitro Culture of Allium sativum L. Hossain R. Roksana R.
In Vitro Culture of Allium sativum L.
Meristems isolated from shoot tips of field grown mature garlic bulbs of five cultivars were cultured in liquid MS medium with 2ip and NAA for shoot proliferation. In vitro bulblets were produced from meristem derived shoot clumps in MS with high levels of sucrose....
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Anther Culture and Somatic Embryogenesis in Rice Hossain R. Shahnewaz S.
Anther Culture and Somatic Embryogenesis in Rice
The first part of this investigation deals with induction of callus and regeneration of haploid plants from anther cultures of rice. Z2 containing 2,4-D 0.5 mg/l+NAA 2.5 mg/l+KIN 0.5 mg/l induced highest 6.36% callus in BRRI dhan-29. Medium containing 4.0% sucrose gave the highest 7.5% callus formation as well as highest green plants regeneration....
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Potato Improvement Through In Vitro Techniques Hossain R. Hossain S.
Potato Improvement Through In Vitro Techniques
Different aspects of micropropagation through meristem culture for the production of virus indexed source plants, callus induction followed by subsequent plant regeneration, in vitro tuberization and field evaluation of the in vitro regenerated plants were studied on four commercial cultivars of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) viz....
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Soil moisture stress on Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) Anisuzzaman M. Hossain R.
Soil moisture stress on Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)
The six varieties namely, BSH-2, IBON/97, BB-1, BB-2, KARAN-19 and KARAN-163 were treated with single stress at crown root initiation stage, single stress at heading stage, double stresses, one at crown root initiation and the other at heading stage with a control (without stress)....
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Clonal Selection and Propagation of Gewa Hossain R. Serajuddoula M.
Clonal Selection and Propagation of Gewa
The Sundarbans mangrove is a highly dynamic ecosystem. Gewa (Excoecaria agallocha Linn.) is a codominent species, the merchantable growing stock of which was depleted by 45% during 1959 to 1983....
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Varietal Improvement in Strawberry Ara T. Hossain R.
Varietal Improvement in Strawberry
The present study was conducted to standardize a suitable protocol of in vitro plant regeneration potentiality of seven strawberry varieties viz. AOG, JP-2, JP-3, Camarosa, Sweet Charly, Giant Mountain and Festival. Young leaves, mature leaves and nodes of seven strawberry varieties were used for callus induction and plant regeneration....
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Taxonomy of Cucurbitaceae Hossain R. Rahman M.
Taxonomy of Cucurbitaceae
Taxonomic investigation of the Cucurbits (family-Cucurbitaceae) growing throughout the Northern parts of Bangladesh was carried out. Documentation of species distribution, ecology and indigenous uses by local people has been made. Lists of the taxa examined with all synonyms are provided....
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Microtuberization in Potato Hossain R. Rahman H.
Microtuberization in Potato
Different sugar types were evaluated on microtuberization efficiencies of potato and sucrose was considered to be the best sugar type and 8% sucrose in media was optimized....
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