Информация об авторе

Chhabra N.

Библиография книг автора

Project Appraisal by State Financial Corporations in India Chhabra N.
Project Appraisal by State Financial Corporations in India
Every enterprise, whether big or small, public or private, profit making or non profit making is a financial concern. Success or failure of any financial concern depends more upon the equality of its financial decisions....
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The implications of Oxidative Stress in Breast Carcinogenesis Chhabra N. Sharma P.
The implications of Oxidative Stress in Breast Carcinogenesis
Carcinoma breast is an ancient and elusive disease which has claimed the lives of many, since time immemorial. It is one of the most serious problems of clinical and research oncology and till date, remains the commonest cause of death from cancer in women....
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Sensitivity Analysis on Value Added Tax Chhabra N.
Sensitivity Analysis on Value Added Tax
About the book The objective of this book is to provide guidelines for finance managers and whoever who is handling finance helping them to improve taxation knowledge and know more about value added tax....
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Hyperhomocysteinemia and its implications in Ischemic Heart Disease Chhabra K. Chhabra N.
Hyperhomocysteinemia and its implications in Ischemic Heart Disease
As an emerging independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease, homocysteine related research has sparked a vigorous debate over the past decade....
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