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Javed M.

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Face Recognition a Challenge in Biometrics Javed M.
Face Recognition a Challenge in Biometrics
Face recognition is a difficult problem .Thedimension reduction and the skill to acquire minimumsize of feature vector required for face recognitionfor diverse facial expressions is a challenging taskin face recognition....
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The present study clearly emphasizes that resistant or slow rusting varieties should be cultivated under farmers field conditions, to avoid the yield losses of stripe and leaf rusts in wheat varieties/lines.All the environmental conditions significantly influenced leaf rust than the stripe rust....
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Coccinellids As Aphid Predators Ahmed A. Javed M.
Coccinellids As Aphid Predators
Wheat is considered an essential part of food from ordinary households to national and international families. Important pests of wheat are aphids, Rhopalosiphum padi (bird cherry-oat aphid), Schizaphis graminum (greenbug), R....
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Insecticidal Control of Dusky Cotton Bug Javed M. Shahzad D.
Insecticidal Control of Dusky Cotton Bug
The book comprises of desired basic knowledge associated with labs of Entomology. It also has research oriented topics mainly insecticidal control of dusky cotton bug (cotton seed bug)....
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Sustainable Mango Cultivation(mainly mango midge control) Javed F. Javed M.
Sustainable Mango Cultivation(mainly mango midge control)
The present book has all the necessary information related to the sustainable mango cultivation. It deals with major pest problems of mango with their acceptable control. The main focus of research was placed on mango midge. Midge recorded on the five verities of Mango....
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Antixenotic Response of Insect Predator Gulzar S. Javed M.
Antixenotic Response of Insect Predator
Cotton and wheat are the major cash crops of Pakistan and mainly cotton-wheat crop rotation is followed in the Punjab province of Pakistan. Aphid (Aphis gossypii) attacks on both of these crops including wheat (Triticum aestivum) and cotton (Gossypium hirsutum). Lady bird beetle Coccinella septempunctata is the local key predator of aphid....
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Research Entomology(Basics . Insects Control) Hussain D. Javed M. Zarain S.
Research Entomology(Basics . Insects Control)
This book contains fundamentals of research in agriculture subject with special reference to Entomology. All of the basic related topics have been explained related to research aspects for generalized experiments....
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Potato virus management Ahmad G. Javed M.
Potato virus management
This book contains all the basic info related to potato diseases mainly viral problem. Some other crops are also discussed with pathological point of view. Fundamental research was performed on Potato Viruses (PVs) with different analytic ways including ELISA Test....
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Initials of Entomology and Insect Toxicology Hussain D. Javed M. Muqitullah H.
Initials of Entomology and Insect Toxicology
Research is the fundamental thing in any study field either agriculture or non-agriculture areas. This book comprises of different aspects of entomological research with special focus on insect toxicological aspetcs....
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Wheat Yellow Rust Management Asif M. Javed M.
Wheat Yellow Rust Management
Wheat is tremendously important in the staple foods of the world. It is being attacked by a number of insects and pathogens leading to significant yield loss. It is very vital to protect this crop from invaded organisms. Wheat rust is one of them....
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Integrals of Fruits Entomolgy Javed M. Javed U.
Integrals of Fruits Entomolgy
Fruits are of dire need in any food and other feed commodities comprising a beautiful ingredient of life. Any fruit, temperate or tropical, are governed by variety of living and non-living factors during their growth till harvest....
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Cotton insects and host tolerance(with mealy bug relation) Farooq U. Javed M.
Cotton insects and host tolerance(with mealy bug relation)
This book consists of the basic information associated with the entomological research including cotton insect pests control. It also has the host plant tolerance concept for defining the future eco-friendly control measures of insect pests....
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Monitoring Complex Telecom Systems Javed M.
Monitoring Complex Telecom Systems
Monitoring and debugging for a real-time system is a complicated problem due to the lack of a set of advanced tools and adequate operating system capability. Software tools can cover the wide range of the software development life cycle from the requirement analysis phase to debugging and maintenance phases....
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Intelligent Expression Blending in Performance Driven Facial Animation Javed M. Khanum A.
Intelligent Expression Blending in Performance Driven Facial Animation
Intelligent Expression Blending in PDFA Performance Driven Facial Animation (PDFA) provides a cost-effective and intuitive means of creating facial avatars. In Vision based PDFA, facial actions of an input facial video are re-targeted to desired facial model. However, PDFA lacks facilities for intelligent editing of the re- targeted video....
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Aphids Botanical Control Iqbal M. Javed M.
Aphids Botanical Control
The book was related to the use of six different botanical extracts i.e. Orange peel (Citrus sinensis), Kortuma (Citrullus colosynthus), Bakain (Melia azadarach), Ak (Calotropis procera), Neem (Azadirachta indica) and Knair (Neirum oleander) on three species of aphid i.e....
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