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Srivastava R.

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Growth and Form of Self-organized Branched Crystal Pattern in Nonlinear Chemical System Chattopadhyay J. Srivastava R. Yadav N.
Growth and Form of Self-organized Branched Crystal Pattern in Nonlinear Chemical System
Книга "Growth and Form of Self-organized Branched Crystal Pattern in Nonlinear Chemical System". ...
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Modification of Epoxidized Resin with liquid rubber Srivastava R.
Modification of Epoxidized Resin with liquid rubber
In the present study we have prepared the different blend samples of cardanol-based epoxidized novolac resin (ECF) containing varying concentrations of CTBN ranging between 0 and 25 wt % with an interval of 5 wt %. The ECF was synthesized from the epoxidation of CF with molar excess of epichlorohydrin....
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Study of Wavelength converters in Optical Network Srivastava R.
Study of Wavelength converters in Optical Network
Today’s optical networks are carrying enormous traffic which is doubling almost every year. The traffic includes voice, data, video and various real time application services like remote monitoring and control, remote surgery etc....
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Partial Differential Equation based Image Processing and Applications Srivastava R.
Partial Differential Equation based Image Processing and Applications
Main coverage: Basic concepts of PDE based image processing and related works. PDE based image interpolation. PDE based image restoration. PDE based speckle reduction from images. Generalization to blind deconvolution problems. In this work, basic concepts of PDE based image processing, its applications and related works has been discussed....
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Ragi: A boon for Diabetics Srivastava R.
Ragi: A boon for Diabetics
With its nutritional benefits, ragi comes across as a health food one can bank upon. If you are exploring for a healthy breakfast alternative and do not know which cereal or whole grain to look up to, you can think of ragi or finger millet as one of the options....
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Metallic Glasses, Quasicrystals and their Nanocomposites Singh D. Srivastava R.
Metallic Glasses, Quasicrystals and their Nanocomposites
The endeavours made in this book are intended to study the effect of material tailoring on the crystallization behaviour, glass forming ability and structure/microstructure of Zr/Cu-based metallic glasses and nanoquasicrystal-glass composites....
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Investigation of EL and Related Effects in II-VI Compounds Srivastava R.
Investigation of EL and Related Effects in II-VI Compounds
The present monograph deals with electroluminescence (EL) and related properties in certain oxide and sulphide phosphors. Bulk as well as nano powders of the phosphors have been used for investigation. Related properties include study of photoconductivity (PC) and photoelectret (PE)characteristics....
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Sports participation: Motivation, Family Socialization and gender Srivastava R. Tripathi A.
Sports participation: Motivation, Family Socialization and gender
Understanding peoples motives for involvement in Physical activity sheds lights on individual’s decision process for taking part in sports and physical activities, adolescents perceptions about their participation in sports is influenced by their parents involvement, as their positive attitude provides encouraging feedback about their sports activi...
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Amaranthus: A multipurpose and nutritive plant Srivastava R.
Amaranthus: A multipurpose and nutritive plant
The objective of this book is to provide depth knowledge and an attempt to highlight the current manipulations taking place in the plant. The book incorporates topics on morphology, cytology, biochemistry and genetic variations in Amaranthus....
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Geriatric Dental Care Srivastava R. Tirth A.
Geriatric Dental Care
Life is a stage where everybody plays a role, but successful are those who play till the end. As more people are becoming elderly, they are entering these years with hightened oral health expectations and are seeking care in much greater number than did similarly aged cohorts of previous generations....
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