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Saxena S.

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Family planning among south Asian women in the UK Saxena S.
Family planning among south Asian women in the UK
In 1999, the UK government issued national targets to reduce unintended pregnancies and declared the family planning needs of young women from minority ethnic groups a national priority. South Asian women have higher parity and higher rates of teenage motherhood than White women....
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Historicity/Fictionality of History in Indian Writing in English Saxena S.
Historicity/Fictionality of History in Indian Writing in English
History and fiction have existed as mutually dichotomous branch of studies from time immemorial. History is conventionally thought to be \"realist,\" \"empiricist,\" \"objectivist,\" and \"documentarist\" in nature....
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Hepatoprotective activity of Spirulina platensis Gupta V. Saxena S.
Hepatoprotective activity of Spirulina platensis
Liver is the most important organ involved in the metabolism, digestion, detoxification and elimination of toxic compounds. Liver play a central role in drug metabolism. Spirulina belongs to Oscillateriaceae family, which is also named as Arthrospira. Spirulina is an important source of blue photosynthetic pigment pycocyanin (PC)....
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64-bit Dynamic FeedThrough Logic Adder Saxena S.
64-bit Dynamic FeedThrough Logic Adder
CMOS is an attractive technology for the realization of Very large Scale Integration (VLSI) system. Over past decade, CMOS technology has played an increasingly important role in the global integrated circuit design....
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Susceptibility of teak clones against defoliator and skeletonizer Kukadia V. Saxena S.
Susceptibility of teak clones against defoliator and skeletonizer
Teak (Tectona grandisI is most important timber crop in Gujarat state of India. it is attacked by many insect-pests right from the nursery to the cutting stage. Amongst them, Teak defoliator (Hyblaea puera) and teak skeletonizer (Eutectona machaeralisz) are one of the most important insect-pests which remain active mostly during monsoon months....
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A New Algorithm for Nonlinear Propagation of Broadband Jet Noise Saxena S.
A New Algorithm for Nonlinear Propagation of Broadband Jet Noise
This book describes a frequency domain model to predict the far-field broadband noise. Nonlinear wave propagation is observed in the noise created by many sources such as fighter jet aircraft, explosions, gunfire, sonic booms etc....
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Dental Practice Management Oberoi S. Saxena S.
Dental Practice Management
Practice of Dentistry has changed enormously over the years. Dentistry has become a business along with art and science. In order to prepare for successful practices in the years ahead, dental professionals have to learn from the successes and failures in the commercial world....
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