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Study of Rural Settlements in Western Himalayas with the Help of GIS KUMAR A.
Study of Rural Settlements in Western Himalayas with the Help of GIS
The study of settlements has been one of the most significant themes in human geography. It is a symbol of man’s occupancy and serves a link between the man and the physical environment Geographers study rural settlement as a unit. Their distributional patterns help in analyzing the sequence of change in cultural landscape....
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Changes in Fertility & Infant Mortality and Future Prospect in Bihar KUMAR A.
Changes in Fertility & Infant Mortality and Future Prospect in Bihar
This study is an effort to depict the spatial and temporal variations in fertility and infant mortality and its determinant within the state with the view that a better understanding of fertility and infant mortality transition taking place in Bihar either when might be possible fertility and infant mortality transition taking place in Bihar....
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SMEs in India in Post 1990s Era: Challenges and Opportunities KUMAR A.
SMEs in India in Post 1990s Era: Challenges and Opportunities
The book focused on the analysis and performance of ‘SMEs sector that pragmatically evolved in the changed environment and challenges that developed in late 1980s and early 1990s as the result of ‘Liberalization, Privatization and finally Globalization (LPG) in Indian Economy....
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Seafarer`s rights under Indian Law KUMAR A.
Seafarer`s rights under Indian Law
The International Maritime Organisation (IMO), International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) and the International Labour Organisation (ILO) have rendered yeomen service to protect the rights of Seafarers’. India is a founder member of the International Labour Organisation (ILO)....
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This was a prospective randomized double blind study conducted in Himalayan Institute of Medical Sciences....
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Performance Effects of Corporate Governance Code KUMAR A.
Performance Effects of Corporate Governance Code
This book is a research study of effect of corporate governance code on performance of companies. The study documents empirical research from India where corporate governance code has been laid down on a standard-rule basis by the market regulator- SEBI....
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Habitual Truants KUMAR A.
Habitual Truants
This book is an attempt to find out the various reasons of truancy amog the school going students. As per the latest Guidlines of Educational apex bodies attempt must be made to stop the drop-uot of students and bring the left out children to schools. In INDIA various schemes are started to retain and educate the students in schools....
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Thermal Shock Effects on Bacterial Survival using GFP KUMAR A. Kumar V.
Thermal Shock Effects on Bacterial Survival using GFP
Book describes the basic techniques that are used in molecular biology. These techniques includes various DNA manipulation techniques, cloning and bacterial growth. This book also describes the Green Fluorescent Gene, one of the novel achievements in the field of science....
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Phylogenomics of vertebrate serpins KUMAR A.
Phylogenomics of vertebrate serpins
The serpins constitute a superfamily of proteins that fold into a conserved tertiary structure and employ a sophisticated, irreversible suicide-mechanism of inhibition. More than 6000 serpins have been identified, occurring in all three forms of the life - the eukaryotes, the prokaryotes and the archea....
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Active Control of Buildings Subjected to Seismic Excitations KUMAR A.
Active Control of Buildings Subjected to Seismic Excitations
Problem of controlling the vibrations of the structures and thereby minimizing their damages due to earthquakes is becoming increasingly important. This has led to the use of active and passive energy dissipation devices and base isolation techniques in the structures....
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Development of Jute Fiber Reinforced Euphorbia Latex Hybrid Composites KUMAR A. Mohan R.
Development of Jute Fiber Reinforced Euphorbia Latex Hybrid Composites
In order to find viable alternative to petroleum based raw materials, Euphorbia coagulum modified unsaturated polyester and polystyrene waste respectively has been used as hybrid matrix for developing jute fiber reinforced composites. Jute composites have been flame retarded using non halogen based flame proof additives....
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Hydrologic system response models for hilly sub-catchments of a river KUMAR A.
Hydrologic system response models for hilly sub-catchments of a river
The geomorphologic instantaneous unit hydrographs (GIUH) were developed to predict the direct runoff hydrograph from two hilly sub-watersheds of Ramganga catchment in Uttarakhand State of India....
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Groundwater Pollution Vulnerability Assessment KUMAR A. Naresh R.
Groundwater Pollution Vulnerability Assessment
A Point Count System model, DRASTIC, was used to assess the groundwater pollution potential from nitrogen fertilizers in Ludhiana district of Punjab, India. Thematic maps of the seven parameters of the model i.e....
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Mathematical Models and their Optimization KUMAR A.
Mathematical Models and their Optimization
Optimization is a field of interest to researchers working in various disciplines of mathematical sciences. In the present book, we have developed many mathematical models dealing with uncertain situations both for probabilistic and fuzzy distributions. These models give birth to new measures of probabilistic and fuzzy information....
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Ion implantation effect on hydrogen permeation & Embrittlement of HSLA KUMAR A.
Ion implantation effect on hydrogen permeation & Embrittlement of HSLA
The book will essentially serve for researchers in the field of Corrosion Science & Engineering. It is imparting intensive and extensive knowledge of ion implantation effects on hydrogen adsorption, permeation and embrittlement of high strength steel....
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