Информация об авторе

Cao J.

Библиография книг автора

Chinese Biblical Anthropology Cao J.
Chinese Biblical Anthropology
In this study that is largely intellectual history, Cao Jian observes how Old Testament motifs were introduced by Protestant missionaries and Bible translators, with the help of Chinese co-workers in the beginning, and how those motifs drew attention from local converts and led to discussions among them in light of the norms in Confucianism....
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Seamless and Secure Communications over Heterogeneous Wireless Networks Cao J. Zhang C.
Seamless and Secure Communications over Heterogeneous Wireless Networks
This brief provides an overview of the requirements, challenges, design issues and major techniques for seamless and secure communications over heterogeneous wireless networks....
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Numerical Modeling and Well Layout Design for EGS Cao J. Jiang F.
Numerical Modeling and Well Layout Design for EGS
We first present with great details a three-dimensional transient model of enhanced geothermal systems (EGS) heat extraction processes. This model takes the reservoir as an equivalent porous medium while considers the local thermal non-equilibrium between solid rock matrix and fluid flowing in the fractured rock mass....
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