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Tripathi A.

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Photo/Chemo stimulus. A New Approach To Control Fasciolosis Singh D. Singh V. Tripathi A.
Photo/Chemo stimulus. A New Approach To Control Fasciolosis
Light and their colors are a powerful stimulus to attract human as well as humans. Different spectrum of light and their intensity play a major role in the physiological activity. Light stimulation change the activity of enzyme and pheromones and affect the behavior of organisms....
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Socio-Economic, and Educational Status of Caste and Community in India Shanu N. Tripathi A.
Socio-Economic, and Educational Status of Caste and Community in India
Population remains India’s most prominent problem. Further, the cherry to cake remains the social stratification that marks the division between the India and other developing countries....
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Non Timber Forest Products: Production, Consumption and Policy in Gujarat Kumar V. Tripathi A.
Non Timber Forest Products: Production, Consumption and Policy in Gujarat
This survey of Non Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) throughout the state of Gujarat, India, aims to set availability, production, consumption, management, marketing and policy in the context of social and economic development of tribal communities....
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Sports participation: Motivation, Family Socialization and gender Srivastava R. Tripathi A.
Sports participation: Motivation, Family Socialization and gender
Understanding peoples motives for involvement in Physical activity sheds lights on individual’s decision process for taking part in sports and physical activities, adolescents perceptions about their participation in sports is influenced by their parents involvement, as their positive attitude provides encouraging feedback about their sports activi...
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E-Billing System by Using MIS Concept Tripathi A.
E-Billing System by Using MIS Concept
I believe that education is the key to success for youth....
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Prevention of Flooding Attack in Wireless Sensor Network Bhushan P. Tripathi A.
Prevention of Flooding Attack in Wireless Sensor Network
The basic work of sensor system is to monitor required event and communicate it to base station and hence to the end user. Wireless Sensor Networks were first developed to use at places where wired sensors networks cannot reach for example: latest Tsunami in Japan, where environment is polluted with nuclear radiations....
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The Student Forum Tripathi A.
The Student Forum
The last few years,there are lot of uses of social network and popularity of internet and everything is based on internet.Student Forum is a web based application which is dedicated to all Computer Science Student and teachers....
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Oxidative Stress and Lymphocyte Involvement in Diabetic Wound Healing Tripathi A.
Oxidative Stress and Lymphocyte Involvement in Diabetic Wound Healing
Wound healing is a natural curative reaction to tissue injury involves the interaction of a complex flow of cellular events that generates resurfacing, reconstitution, and restoration of the tensile strength of injured tissue....
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Xenobiotic and Heavy Metal Stress in Fish: Volume 2 Tripathi A.
Xenobiotic and Heavy Metal Stress in Fish: Volume 2
According to FAO statistics 2008, the total fisheries production was 142.29 M tons out of which 115.09 M tons for human consumption only....
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Xenobiotics and Heavy Metals Stress in Fish Volume 1 Tripathi A.
Xenobiotics and Heavy Metals Stress in Fish Volume 1
As aqua-culturists are shifting from extensive to super-intensive culture, the stresses would also increase simultaneously. This incremental growth in stress due to anthropogenic activities is likely to reduce the benefits from intensive culture. Thus it seems obligatory to assure minimization in stresses to the extent possible....
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Environment and Biodiversity Tripathi A.
Environment and Biodiversity
Our Earth supports about 10 million species of plants and animals, which have been the result of 3 billion years of evolution involving mutation, recombination and natural selection. The book \"Environment and Biodiversity\" provides a comprehensive and critical review of the work done on different areas of the subject....
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Mineralization of phenolic compounds by various fleshy fungi Tripathi A.
Mineralization of phenolic compounds by various fleshy fungi
One of the major environmental problems facing the world today is the contamination of soil, water and air by toxic chemicals....
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Merger and Acquisition in Indian Banking Industry Tripathi A.
Merger and Acquisition in Indian Banking Industry
The study strives to explore the impact of M&A in the banking industry in India and identify post merger integration issues in the bank mergers. The study draws from a mix of recent literature review and interpretations of observations of employees and managers....
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Potential vis-a-vis Achievement under SHG-Bank Linkage programme Tripathi A.
Potential vis-a-vis Achievement under SHG-Bank Linkage programme
The SHG-Bank Linkage Programme (SHG-BLP) in India was conceived to fill the gap existing in the formal financial network by extending the outreach of banking to the poor in an affordable way....
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A methodical Approach to Diagnosis of An Animal Syndrome Tripathi A.
A methodical Approach to Diagnosis of An Animal Syndrome
EUS was first detected in 1971 as Red Spot Disease and since then it is adversely affecting the fisheries economics. The conflicting views of various workers regarding the causative agent of EUS have created confusion rather than providing solution of the problem....
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