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Dutton D.

Библиография книг автора

Margaret the First Dutton D.
Margaret the First
An inventive, spirited novel about a pioneering woman who was shamed for daring to challenge male dominance in the arts and sciences four centuries ago. Margaret Cavendish was the first woman to address the Royal Society and the first Englishwoman to write explicitly for publication....
1482 руб.
A History of the Liberal Party since 1900 Dutton D.
A History of the Liberal Party since 1900
Once teetering on the brink of oblivion, the British Liberal Party has again re-established itself as a major force in national and local politics. David Dutton\"s approachable study offers new insights into the waning, near death and ultimate recovery of the Liberal Party from 1900 to the present day....
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The Good Psychopath`s Guide to Success Andy A. Dutton D. Kevin K. McNab M.
The Good Psychopath`s Guide to Success
What is a good psychopath? And how can thinking like one help you to be the best that you can be? Professor Kevin Dutton has spent a lifetime studying psychopaths. He first met SAS hero Andy McNab during a research project. What he found surprised him. McNab is a diagnosed psychopath but he is a GOOD PSYCHOPATH....
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Ultimate Nashville Business Guide Dutton D.
Ultimate Nashville Business Guide
The Ultimate Nashville Business Guide is a book by Nashville author, David Dutton along with other Nashville business experts. Each chapter is designed to help Nashville business professionals grow their local business. This is the only book of its kind about doing business in Nashville....
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