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Mishra R.

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International Monetary and Financial Stability Policy Coordination Mishra R.
International Monetary and Financial Stability Policy Coordination
A new debate on revisiting global surveillance architecture follows every financial crisis. A new ‘system’ surfaces, transforms itself fast to a ‘non-system’ or even an ‘anti-system....
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Once I was Ordinary: Confession in the Poems of Sylvia Plath Mishra R.
Once I was Ordinary: Confession in the Poems of Sylvia Plath
confession in Christianity is a sacrament especially with the Catholic Church to obtain forgiveness. It is a sort of penance or reconciliation.Confession in Plath\"s poetry has multi-layered object. Sometimes it is cathartic, some times it is revenge, laced with fury and helplessness too. Basically , it is healing touch which Plath groped for....
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Undernutrition in India Mishra R.
Undernutrition in India
India is still home to a large number of undernourished population in the world. All most half of it\"\"s pre-school children and reproductive age women have one or the other form of undernutrition. This study attempts at examining correlates of undernourishment on the ground of immediacy as well as their operational virtue towards modification....
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Dynamics of Social Inclusion in a Plural Society Mishra R.
Dynamics of Social Inclusion in a Plural Society
Exclusion may be the outcome of an entrenched, complex socio-economic and political process. In a plural society marked by differentiation, a hierarchical structure and stereotypes, it is all the more complex. Exclusion is dysfunctional and blocks potential for development....
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Industrial Displacements and Human Rights Mishra R. Subudhi S.
Industrial Displacements and Human Rights
Displacements often cause umpteen hardships to the lower strata of the society who finds limited access to the resouces offered to them by the facilitating agencies and mechanisms including state and non-state actors.While voluntary displacements are amiable in nature, involuntary displacements are the real causes to worry....
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A Study on CPRM Practices of Tribal Women in Villages of M.P. Mishra R.
A Study on CPRM Practices of Tribal Women in Villages of M.P.
Common property resource management focuses on collective ways of managing natural resources. There have been numerous questions since then to explore the right way of management so that each one could have proper share of free and available resources....
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Computer Programme- An Intellectual Property Mishra R.
Computer Programme- An Intellectual Property
Computer programme is an outcome of human intellect. The main motivation for its protection is to encourage the creative activities and inventions. The role of computer software is sine qua non in the economic and technological development of a nation....
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P300 alteration in cases of Major Depressive Disorder Jha G. Mishra R.
P300 alteration in cases of Major Depressive Disorder
Since long time mental health professionals and the patients suffering from Major Depressive Disorder are looking for some diagnostic test and severity assessment tool which measure the suffering of patient objectively or with lesser bias....
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Molecular approaches to manage taro leaf blight Mishra R. Sharma K.
Molecular approaches to manage taro leaf blight
Taro leaf blight caused by Phytophthora colocasiae is a major constraint to taro cultivation. To manage taro leaf blight and design breeding programme, it is crucial to recognize the genetic diversity of taro and P. colocasiae. We studied genetic structure of taro and P. colocasiae in India. Biochemical alterations in taro plants infected by the P....
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Laboratory Manual Mishra R.
Laboratory Manual
First edition: 2012 Handbook suitable for research scholars working in several research laboratories throughout the world. Handbook contains lab protocols from Microbiology, Biochemistry, Plant Molecular Biology, Biotechnology, Enzymology, HPLC, Plant Tissue Culture and much more areas from Life Sciences....
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Social Capital in Farming Communities of Western Nepal Mishra R.
Social Capital in Farming Communities of Western Nepal
The performance of agricultural extension program varies among the communities and households. The performance of such program is traditionally analyzed looking at human, physical, financial and natural capital related factors. Social capital is generally not included by such studies in the past....
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GPS based Taxi Fare System Mishra R.
GPS based Taxi Fare System
Surveyors use GPS (Global Positioning System) as it offers an incredible cost saving by drastically reducing setup time at the survey site. In public transportation the use of taxi continuously increasing and accordingly the need for the exact fare calculation is also increasing....
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Interference and Path Loss of Cellular Technology Chaurasia V. Mishra R.
Interference and Path Loss of Cellular Technology
Coverage and capacity are significant issues in the planning process for cellular mobile networks. Scarcity of the frequency band is acting as a bottleneck to the tremendous advancement in the field of mobile communication. Nowadays Cellular Technology is being invariably employed in mobile communication to maximize the spectral efficiency....
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BER Improvisation in Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing Mishra R. Sharma D.
BER Improvisation in Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing
A tremendous technological transformation during the last two decades has provided a potential growth in the area of digital communication and lot of newer applications and technologies are coming up every day....
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Wild buffalo (Bubalus bubalis L) in Central India Mishra R.
Wild buffalo (Bubalus bubalis L) in Central India
The Indian wild buffalo (Bubalus bubalis L.) has been listed as an endangered species in the Red Data book of IUCN and categorized in appendix III of CITES. It is classified in schedule I of Indian wildlife (Protection) act 1972, which indicates that it has been given top priority for conservation....
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