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Singh Y.

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Migrant Students Amid Cultural Differences: A Case Study Singh Y.
Migrant Students Amid Cultural Differences: A Case Study
Every year, students from northeastern states of India come to Chandigarh for pursuing higher education. In Chandigarh, Manipuri students constitute the largest number of students from the eight northeastern states....
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Generalized Hypergeometric Function and C- Programming Joshi H. Singh Y.
Generalized Hypergeometric Function and C- Programming
This text book is primarily desined for M. Phil and Ph. D. students of mathematics. Besides students, it also meets the needs of those appearing for various competitive examinations since the book deals with a large varity of topic in generalized hypergeometric function and C-programming....
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Study on Sulphur in Paddy soils of Saharanpur District Singh V. Singh Y.
Study on Sulphur in Paddy soils of Saharanpur District
It is of utmost importance to have the knowledge of sulphur status of soils, its different fractions and its uptake in order to assess the growing needs of sulphur in agriculture. In India, S- deficiency is found in almost 40% of the cultivated area....
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Organic farming under Basmati rice-wheat-green gram cropping system Singh Y.
Organic farming under Basmati rice-wheat-green gram cropping system
Dr. Y.V.Singh, Senior Scientist (Agronomy), IARI,New Delhi, India, has developed protocol for Basmati rice cultivation through organic management for sustainable productivity and better quality. In this protocol he used four (Blue green algae @ 2.0 kg/ha, Azolla @ 1.0t/ha/ Azotobacter @ 0.5 kg/ha, vermicompost @ 5.0 t/ha and Farm yard manure @ 5....
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Hygienic Fish Handling Practices by Fishermen Bharati R. Singh Y.
Hygienic Fish Handling Practices by Fishermen
This book attempts to highlight the extent of adoption of hygienic fish handling practices among the mechanized fishermen of Thoothukudi district in Tamil Nadu, India.In the Indian context, people are much concerned about post harvest hygienic activities practiced in processing plants. The onboard handling of fish is generally neglected....
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Design Of Var System Using Waste Heat Recovery Of Diesel Genset Singh Y.
Design Of Var System Using Waste Heat Recovery Of Diesel Genset
A vapor absorption refrigeration system provides cooling using a heat source rather than electrical input as in the more familiar vapor compression cycle. It seems unreasonable that cooling can be achieved with heat, but that is what occurs within an absorption system....
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Construction and Analysis Of Incomplete Block Designs Singh Y.
Construction and Analysis Of Incomplete Block Designs
The incomplete block designs are widely used in various fields such as Agriculture, Genetics, Engineering and Industry to name a few. This book presents some aspects of construction and analysis of incomplete block designs in a simplified and practical approach....
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A Study and Development of New Steganographic Technique for Images Dhaka R. Singh Y.
A Study and Development of New Steganographic Technique for Images
This research work defines the various techniques used for information hiding, their applications and also discusses the drawbacks of implementing those techniques independently. The motivation for this work includes provision of protection of information during transmission without any detection of information....
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An Evaluation of Tourism Industry in Himachal Pradesh Singh Y.
An Evaluation of Tourism Industry in Himachal Pradesh
Tourism in pure sense a pleasure activity in which money earned in one\'s normal place is spent in the place visited.It involves the discreationary use of time and money.Tourism is a mode of transfer of resources from develope countries to least developed countries....
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Ground Water Quality Evolution of Dholpur District, Rajasthan, India Singh Y.
Ground Water Quality Evolution of Dholpur District, Rajasthan, India
This book presents a concise account of all the major change in chemistry of groundwater due to geogenic and anthropogenic activities of Dholpur district, Rajasthan, India. The first three chapters are written to understand the geography, geology and hydrology of the Dholpur district....
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InSilico Quantitative Structure Pharmacokinetic Studies on Quinolones Singh Y.
InSilico Quantitative Structure Pharmacokinetic Studies on Quinolones
After the first decade of QSAR in mid 1970s, it was observed that relationship derived from a series of compounds investigated in isolated systems did not apply to in vivo situations....
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Immunotoxicity of Eupatorium adenophorum (Sticky snakeroot) in mice Singh Y.
Immunotoxicity of Eupatorium adenophorum (Sticky snakeroot) in mice
Eupatorium adenophorum is considered to be a serious weed in agriculture, especially in rangelands where it often replaces either the more-desirable vegetation or native species, but also in forests. Grazing animals get accidentally exposed to the plant under scarcity conditions....
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Eupatorium adenophorum (Sticky snakeroot) Toxicity Shah S. Singh Y.
Eupatorium adenophorum (Sticky snakeroot) Toxicity
Eupatorium adenophorum is considered to be a serious weed in agriculture, especially in rangelands where it often replaces either the more-desirable vegetation or native species, but also in forests. Grazing animals get accidentally exposed to the plant under scarcity conditions....
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Pathology of plant poisonings in animals Singh Y.
Pathology of plant poisonings in animals
Livestock poisoning by plants is one of the serious causes of economic loss to the livestock industry. Veterinarians and animal owners are frequently confronted with the task of determining whether or not a plant is responsible for poisoning of animals....
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An Evaluation of Tourism Industry in Himachal Pradesh: Tourism and Development Singh Y.
An Evaluation of Tourism Industry in Himachal Pradesh: Tourism and Development
Tourism in pure sense a pleasure activity in which money earned in one\'s normal place is spent in the place visited.It involves the discreationary use of time and money.Tourism is a mode of transfer of resources from develope countries to least developed countries....
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