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Hammer J.

Библиография книг автора

Victory Over a Critical Spirit (African-American Edition) Hammer J.
Victory Over a Critical Spirit (African-American Edition)
"Can you believe he is wearing sandals to church?" "I know, and did you see what she brought for potluck? Doesn't see know better?" "Tell me about it, and did you hear that the pastor supports the school board's decision to hire another teacher? How ridiculous! The school doesn't have the money!" Sound familiar?...
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Beginning Visual C# 2012 Programming Hammer J. Kemper D. Nagel C. Reid J. Skinner M. Watson K.
Beginning Visual C# 2012 Programming
Step-by-step beginner’s guide to Visual C# 2012Written for novice programmers who want to learn programming with C# and the .NET framework, this book offers programming basics such as variables, flow control, and object oriented programming. It then moves into web and Windows programming and data access (databases and XML)....
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