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Mann G.

Библиография книг автора

Doctor Who. Engines of War Mann G.
Doctor Who. Engines of War
The Great Time War has raged for centuries, ravaging the universe. Scores of human colony planets are now overrun by Dalek occupation forces. A weary, angry Doctor leads a flotilla of Battle TARDISes against the Dalek stronghold but in the midst of the carnage, the Doctor’s TARDIS crashes to a planet below: Moldox....
2023 руб.
Clockwork Cairo. Steampunk Tales of Egypt Carriger G. Mann G.
Clockwork Cairo. Steampunk Tales of Egypt
Welcome to the land of the Pharaohs...Clockwork mummies, thieving deities, airship pirates, psychic queens, mechanical scarabs, unrepentant scoundrels, mysterious museums, trickster djinns, suspicious werewolves, abducted scientists, fearless spies, and vengeful gods... All this and more wait inside the pages of Clockwork Cairo....
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Physiological Histology, Methods And Theory; Mann G.
Physiological Histology, Methods And Theory;
Эта книга — репринт оригинального издания, созданный на основе электронной копии высокого разрешения, которую очистили и обработали вручную, сохранив структуру и орфографию оригинального издания. Редкие, забытые и малоизвестные книги, изданные с петровских времен до наших дней, вновь доступны в виде печатных книг. ...
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Doctor Who: Paradox Lost Mann G.
Doctor Who: Paradox Lost
London 1910: an unsuspecting thief finds himself confronted by grey-skinned creatures that are waiting to devour his mind. London 2789: the remains of an ancient android are dredged from the Thames. When reactivated it has a warning that can only be delivered to a man named \"the Doctor\". ....
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Doctor Who: The Whoniverse: The Untold History of Space and Time. Уцененный товар | Ричардс Джастин, Mann George Mann G. Richards J.
Doctor Who: The Whoniverse: The Untold History of Space and Time. Уцененный товар | Ричардс Джастин, Mann George
Complete with full-color illustrations, maps, charts, and artifacts, the definitive, essential companion to the Doctor’s world - and many more....
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Doctor Who: Engines of War Mann G.
Doctor Who: Engines of War
The death of billions is as nothing to us Doctor, if it helps defeat the Daleks. The Great Time War has raged for centuries, ravaging the universe. Scores of human colony planets are now overrun by Dalek occupation forces....
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Doctor Who: Paradox Lost Mann G.
Doctor Who: Paradox Lost
\"The Squall feed on psychic energy. They spread like a plague and if they are not stopped they will strip the Earth clean...\" London 1910: an unsuspecting thief finds himself confronted by grey-skinned creatures that are waiting to devour......
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The Solaris Book of New Fantasy Mann G.
The Solaris Book of New Fantasy
A collection of original stories from some of the best-loved names and hottest new talents in a wide range of fantasy genres, this volume includes new fiction from such authors as Janny Wurts, Scott Lynch, Hal Duncan, Juliet E. McKenna, Chris......
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Treasures of the Cleveland Museum of Art Franklin D. Mann G.
Treasures of the Cleveland Museum of Art
Treasures of the Cleveland Museum of Art is the most comprehensive book avaliable on this distinguished collectionThe book has been published in advance of the long-awaited completion of the museum\'s expansion project due December 2013The Cleveland Museum of Art is renowned for the quality and breadth of its collection, which includes more than 40...
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Buddhists, Hindus and Sikhs in America: A Short History Mann G. Numrich P. Williams R.
Buddhists, Hindus and Sikhs in America: A Short History
Buddhists, Hindus and Sikhs in America: A Short History Buddhists, Hindus, and Sikhs in America explores the challenges that Asian immigrants face when their religion - and consequently culture - is \"remade in the U.S.A....
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