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Rao S.

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Engineering Optimization Rao S.
Engineering Optimization
The revised and updated new edition of the popular optimization book for engineers The thoroughly revised and updated fifth edition of Engineering Optimization: Theory and Practice offers engineers a guide to the important optimization methods that are commonly used in a wide range of industries....
16081.03 руб.
Statistical Methodologies with Medical Applications Rao S.
Statistical Methodologies with Medical Applications
This book presents the methodology and applications of a range of important topics in statistics, and is designed for graduate students in Statistics and Biostatistics and for medical researchers. Illustrations and more than ninety exercises with solutions are presented....
9204.67 руб.
Management of Micro-enterprises Rao S.
Management of Micro-enterprises
The book highlights the impact of the women benefited government programmes like Indira Kranthi Patham being implemented for the upliftment of women, especially in rural areas....
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Women Entrepreneurship in India Rao S.
Women Entrepreneurship in India
The book highlights the impact of the women empowerment for the upliftment of women, especially in rural areas. The author makes an incisive analysis to understand the status and the living standards of the poor and downtrodden rural women and the way they are coming forward to avail benefits of these programme....
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Evaluation of Micro-enterprises through DWCRA in Srikakulam District Rao S.
Evaluation of Micro-enterprises through DWCRA in Srikakulam District
The book highlights the impact of the women benefited government programmes like DWCRA being implemented for the upliftment of women, especially in rural areas....
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Performance of Women SHGs in Business Rao S.
Performance of Women SHGs in Business
The book highlights the performance of women SHGs in Business for the upliftment of women, especially in rural areas. The author makes an incisive analysis to understand the status and the living standards of the poor and downtrodden rural women and the way they are coming forward to avail benefits of these programme....
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Social Safety Nets & BISP Evaluation Rao S.
Social Safety Nets & BISP Evaluation
This book encompasses the nature & types of Social Safety nets. The social safety nets are designed to protect the vulnerable and marginalized sections of the society. The graduation strategy is aimed at to provide the mean of existence and survival for these members of the society....
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War on Terrorism: Foreign Policy Options for Pakistan Rao S.
War on Terrorism: Foreign Policy Options for Pakistan
Pakistan and United States are time-tested disenchanted tactical partners with divergent priorities and overlapping strategic interests, which could bring both onboard for tactical consideration but not strategic transformation....
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Passive Underwater Target Tracking using Bearings-only Measurements Rao S.
Passive Underwater Target Tracking using Bearings-only Measurements
In this book, passive target tracking using bearings-only measurements is studied for several underwater applications. For submarine (ownship) to submarine (target) application, Pseudo Linear Estimator and its variants are developed for various situations....
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`Avanti`- Tridax procumbens Linn Ambulkar P. Rao S.
`Avanti`- Tridax procumbens Linn
Ayurveda, the ancient science of India is derived from accumulation of experiences and observations of thousands of years. Holistic approach in formulating medicine and special Ayurvedic pharmaceutical procedures maintains the goodness of nature in herbal medicines. ‘Avanti\": Tridax procumbens Linn....
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Training And Development Rao S.
Training And Development
It is imperative that business organizations should develop their own internal resources for training and development of their workforce.While giving stress on management development,most organizations ignore development and training of operatives who constitute the bulwark of their human capital....
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Evaluation of Mutual Funds Rao S.
Evaluation of Mutual Funds
The book highlighted the importance of mutual fund investments in general. In few years Mutual Fund has emerged as a tool for ensuring one’s financial wellbeing. Mutual Funds have not only contributed to the India growth story but have also helped families tap into the success of Indian Industry....
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Working of Trade Unions Rao S.
Working of Trade Unions
The book highlights the Working of Trade Unions –A Study in Tamil Nadu State Transport Corporation Limited. Trade Union is an association of workers formed mainly for the purpose of protecting and promoting economic and social interests of its members through action....
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Value Added Tax (VAT) and Its Impact on Market Prices of the Products Rao S.
Value Added Tax (VAT) and Its Impact on Market Prices of the Products
The value added to a product by or with a business is the sale price charged to its customer, minus the cost of materials and other taxable inputs. A VAT is like a sales tax in that ultimately only the end consumer is taxed....
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Biodiversity and anthropogenic threats Rao S.
Biodiversity and anthropogenic threats
The Chambal River is an important river in the Ganges river system. The Chambal River was declared as a National Chambal Sanctuary with an aim to provide fully protected habitat for the conservation and propagation of highly endangered crocodilian species and other aquatic animals....
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