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Radiguet R.

Библиография книг автора

Cheeks on Fire Radiguet R.
Cheeks on Fire
Dual-language edition. Shortly before his death at the age of twenty, the young literary sensation Raymond Radiguet compiled a volume of his poetry, composed between the ages of fourteen and eighteen....
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The Devil in the Flesh Radiguet R.
The Devil in the Flesh
As the First World War reaches its final year, an illicit love affair is beginning between a sixteen-year-old boy and a young woman married to a soldier at the front. They meet secretly in her flat on the outskirts of Paris, in cornfields and on river banks. When she receives letters from her husband, they burn them together....
2144 руб.
Le Diable au corps Radiguet R.
Le Diable au corps
Un dimanche d\'avril 1917, Francois, seize ans, fait la connaissance de Marthe, dix-huit ans, qui est deja fianc?e a Jacques, soldat combattant sur le front....
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The Devil in the Flesh Radiguet R.
The Devil in the Flesh
As the First World War reaches its final year, an illicit love affair is beginning between a sixteen-year-old boy and a young woman married to a soldier at the front. They meet secretly in her flat on the outskirts of Paris, in cornfields and on river banks. When she receives letters from her husband, they burn them together....
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Le diable au corps Radiguet R.
Le diable au corps
Ah! that war is pretty when you\'re fifteen and you love! On the banks of the Marne, while ton cannon, they love, indeed, passion guilty. Him, a little weak, barely out of adolescence, nurtured by Rimbaud, freedom-loving. She already woman, risking the impossible from a height of 19 years. Both drunken assassin this spring of 1917....
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Le Diable au Corps Radiguet R.
Le Diable au Corps
Вниманию читателей предлагается полный, неадаптированный текст широко известного психологического романа Реймона Радиге \"Бес в крови\". В нем с беспощадной откровенностью изображена любовь подростка, сознание и поведение которого формируется в гнетущей атмосфере Первой Мировой войны. Роман отличается лаконичным стилем, ясным доступным языком....
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