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Perez J.

Библиография книг автора

Nuevo Prisma C2. Libro del alumno de U. Mena J. Perez J.
Nuevo Prisma C2. Libro del alumno
Nuevo Prisma – это новый, шестиуровневый курс испанского языка для молодежи и взрослых, основанный на опыте использования и преподавания курса Prisma и представленный на всех уровнях владения языком (MCER A1 – C2)....
3739 руб.
Prelude to Pax Americana Perez J.
Prelude to Pax Americana
This book examines the events that made it possible for the leaders of the United States to establish the hegemonic global order known as Pax Americana after the Second World War. Adopting Cox’s Neo-Gramscian approach, it focuses on the relationship between social forces, forms of state and world orders....
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New pineapple somaclonal variants: P3R5 and Dwarf Garcia G. Perez J.
New pineapple somaclonal variants: P3R5 and Dwarf
In this study we show a detailed phenotypic, genetic and physiological analysis of two somaclonal variants that are currently evaluated as improved genotypes in our University. We obtained two new pineapple somaclonal variants derived from in vitro culture of cv. Red Spanish Pinar: P3R5 and Dwarf....
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The Control System of the ALICE Transition Radiation Detector at LHC Perez J.
The Control System of the ALICE Transition Radiation Detector at LHC
Within this work, the detector control system (DCS) for the Transition Radiation Detector (TRD) of the ALICE experiment at the Large Hadron Collider has been developed. The TRD DCS is fully implemented as a detector oriented hierarchy of objects behaving as finite state machines....
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Aerobic biodegradation kinetics of solid organic wastes Perez J.
Aerobic biodegradation kinetics of solid organic wastes
One of the major goals of NASA’s Advanced Life Support (ALS) is to evaluate the feasibility of using crop plants in Bioregenerative Life Support System (BLSS) for providing food oxygen carbon dioxide removal, water purification and water recycling to support long space missions such as Lunar or Mars base....
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Agencia ELE 6 Alum (+CD) Mena J. Perez J. Prieto E.
Agencia ELE 6 Alum (+CD)
Metodo de espanol destinado a estudiantes jovenes y adultos. Nivel B2.2 del MCER. Adaptado a las directrices del Plan Curricular del Instituto Cervantes.Cubre el nivel B2.2 del MCER. El equipo de autores, principalmente profesores de Escuelas Oficiales de Idiomas, propone una metodologia de vanguardia....
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The Life and Times of Burton W. Barber Vessel of Gold Perez J. Voorhis J.
The Life and Times of Burton W. Barber Vessel of Gold
Burton W. Barber was a master at any project he tackled, whether it was memorizing scripture, teaching, preaching, debating, construction . . . you name it . . . he would tackle it and perfect it! One of his best was designing, printing and publishing....
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Historia de Espana Julia S. Perez J. Valdeon J.
Historia de Espana
El debate sobre Espana - un proyecto de convivencia civica para muchos, un ideal sagrado segun otros, la madre de todas las desgracias para no pocos - ha cobrado una intensidad que nadie sospechaba hace unos anos. Las nuevas realidades del tercer milenio han puesto en cuestion pilares esenciales sobre los que se ha asentado el mundo contemporaneo....
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History of a Tragedy: The Expulsion of the Jews from Spain Perez J.
History of a Tragedy: The Expulsion of the Jews from Spain
Few events in the history of Spain have provoked as much controversy as the expulsion of the Jews in 1492. Conflicts within the Catholic Church, suspicions within the newly unified Spain, and the claims of Spanish merchants combined to make the Spain of Ferdinand and Isabella intolerant and inquisitorial....
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Algebraic Models For Accounting Systems Nehmer R. Perez J. Rambaud S.
Algebraic Models For Accounting Systems
This book describes the construction of algebraic models which represent the operations of the double-entry accounting system. It presents a novel and comprehensive treatment of the subject and utilizes the methods and tools of abstract algebra, including automata, graph theory and monoids....
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