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Zhang B.

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Investigations on Cleaning and Restoring of Old Masonry Buildings Reza H. Zhang B.
Investigations on Cleaning and Restoring of Old Masonry Buildings
In this study, a series of physical and chemical tests were conducted to investigate, evaluate and improve the building cleaning efficiency....
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Exploring Middle School Science Students’ Computer-based Modeling Practices and Their Changes over time Zhang B.
Exploring Middle School Science Students’ Computer-based Modeling Practices and Their Changes over time
Young children have difficulties to make connections between objects and events around them. They are not able to think systematically and articulate how things are related; lack of reflection makes this worse. We introduced software called Model-It to address the challenges....
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Structural configuration study for an acoustic wave sensor Wang S. Zhang B.
Structural configuration study for an acoustic wave sensor
Acoustic sensors have been developed for many years. However, most acoustic sensors in application are chemical sensors which rely on the chemical material principle to predict mechanical vibration response signals subject to acoustics waves....
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Optimal and Efficient Motion Planning of Redundant Robot Manipulators Zhang B.
Optimal and Efficient Motion Planning of Redundant Robot Manipulators
In the past three decades, various optimization based redundancy-resolution schemes have been proposed and developed for the motion planning and control of robot manipulators....
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Design and Analysis of Millimeter-Wave Packaged Grid Array Antennas Zhang B.
Design and Analysis of Millimeter-Wave Packaged Grid Array Antennas
The increasing demand for high bit rate wireless communication prompts people resorting to the mmWave spectrum. A single chip radio becomes possible for the small wavelength of millimeter EM waves. The antenna plays an important role in a radio because its independent properties can affect the radio as a whole....
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Control Theory of Partial Differential Equations Imanuvilov O. Leugering G. Triggiani R. Zhang B.
Control Theory of Partial Differential Equations
The field of control theory in PDEs has broadened considerably as more realistic models have been introduced and investigated. This book presents a broad range of recent developments, new discoveries, and mathematical tools in the field....
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Human Resource Managements in China: Der Einfluss des Eintritts in die WTO und seine Konsequenzen (German Edition) Zhang B. Zhang L.
Human Resource Managements in China: Der Einfluss des Eintritts in die WTO und seine Konsequenzen (German Edition)
Die A?konomie des 21. Jahrhunderts ist durch eine immer stA¤rker werdende Fokussierung auf Wissen und Informationen bestimmt a?? man spricht aus diesem Grund auch von einer Wissens- oder Informationsgesellschaft. Dadurch gewinnt der Faktor Mensch als TrA¤ger von Wissen immer mehr an Bedeutung....
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