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Shakespeare W. (Шекспир В.)

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Romeo und Julia Shakespeare W. (Шекспир В.)
Romeo und Julia
»Ist Liebe ein zartes Ding? Sie ist zu rau, zu wild, zu tobend und sie sticht wie ein Dorn.« Romeo, 1. Akt, Szene 4. Einige von Kat Menschik illustrierte Bucher sind inzwischen Kult – nun gestaltet sie eine eigene Reihe: Werke der Weltliteratur und andere Lieblingstexte, in Szene gesetzt von Kat Menschik....
4682 руб.
Titus Andronicus Shakespeare W. (Шекспир В.)
Titus Andronicus
An embittered Roman general returns from war, having captured the Queen of the Goths and her three sons. Sacrificing the eldest in memory of his own sons killed in battle, he provokes the queen\"s unending hatred....
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The Two Gentlemen of Verona Shakespeare W. (Шекспир В.)
The Two Gentlemen of Verona
An engaging comedy of love, The Two Gentlemen of Verona deals with the conflict between friendship and romance, and features one of Shakespeare\"s most memorable clowns. This Penguin Shakespeare edition is edited by Norman Sanders with an introduction by Russell Jackson....
1881 руб.
The Sonnets and a Lover`s Complaint Shakespeare W. (Шекспир В.)
The Sonnets and a Lover`s Complaint
William Shakespeare is a global icon for his plays such as Hamlet, Macbeth and Romeo and Juliet, but his poetic meditations on love are among the most powerful and evocative poems ever written. This Penguin Classics edition of Sonnets and A Lover\"s Complaint is edited by John Kerrigan. \"Shall I compare thee to a summer\"s day?...
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The Merry Wives of Windsor Shakespeare W. (Шекспир В.)
The Merry Wives of Windsor
William Shakespeare\"s comic encore for one of his best-loved characters - the rascally Falstaff from Henry IV and Henry V - The Merry Wives of Windsor is edited by G.R. Hibbard with an introduction by Catherine Richardson in Penguin Shakespeare....
1881 руб.
Richard II Shakespeare W. (Шекспир В.)
Richard II
\"Not all the water in the rough rude sea Can wash the balm off from an anointed king\" Richard, a vain, despotic ruler, listens only to his flatterers. When his cousin Bolingbroke, previously banished, returns to seize the crown, Richard discovers that the throne given to him by God can be taken from him by men....
2116 руб.
King John Shakespeare W. (Шекспир В.)
King John
King John - today remembered as the villainous opponent of Robin Hood and the Magna Carta - was for Shakespeare and his audience a heroic figure who stood up to England\"s enemies. This Penguin Shakespeare edition is edited by R. L. Smallwood with an introduction by Eugene Giddens....
2116 руб.
Henry VIII Shakespeare W. (Шекспир В.)
Henry VIII
William Shakespeare\"s Henry VIII is a compelling history play, recreating a crucial moment in the Tudor dynasty, and the events that marked the beginning of the English Reformation. This Penguin Shakespeare edition is edited by A.R. Humphreys, with an introduction by C.M.S. Alexander....
2116 руб.
Henry VI. Part Two Shakespeare W. (Шекспир В.)
Henry VI. Part Two
The second play in Shakespeare\"s tetralogy dealing with the Hundred Years War and the Wars of the Roses, Henry VI Part Two is arguably the best introduction to the playwright\"s genius as a writer of history plays. This Penguin Shakespeare edition is edited by Norman Saunders with an introduction by Michael Taylor....
2116 руб.
Henry VI. Part Three Shakespeare W. (Шекспир В.)
Henry VI. Part Three
The culminating drama of the Wars of the Roses, Henry VI Part Three plays out the final breakdown of political and family affiliations. This Penguin Shakespeare edition is edited by Norman Sanders with an introduction by Gillian Day....
2116 руб.
Henry VI. Part One Shakespeare W. (Шекспир В.)
Henry VI. Part One
The first of Shakespeare\"s four plays about the Wars of the Roses, dramatizing the rivalry between power-hungry noble houses, divided by grievances inherited from the past. This Penguin Shakespeare edition is edited by Norman Sanders with an introduction by Jane Kingsley-Smith....
2116 руб.
Henry IV. Part Two Shakespeare W. (Шекспир В.)
Henry IV. Part Two
The old king Henry IV, sick and weary, must send out his forces - including the unruly Falstaff - to meet another rebellion that threatens to bring the country to the brink of civil war....
2116 руб.
Coriolanus Shakespeare W. (Шекспир В.)
Coriolanus, a famed warrior turned politician, is driven from Rome as a traitor when he arrogantly speaks out against popular rule and loses the good will of the starving people. Banished and embittered, he allies himself with his former enemies and begins to plot a merciless revenge on Rome....
2114 руб.
As You Like It Shakespeare W. (Шекспир В.)
As You Like It
\"All the world\"s a stage, And all the men and women merely players\"­ Rosalind, banished by her cruel uncle, travels secretly to the Forest of Arden, where her exiled father holds court....
1878 руб.
Antony and Cleopatra Shakespeare W. (Шекспир В.)
Antony and Cleopatra
A battle-hardened soldier, Antony is one of the three leaders of the Roman world. But he is also a man in the grip of an all-consuming passion for the tempestuous and alluring queen of Egypt, Cleopatra. And when their life of pleasure together is threatened by encroaching politics, the conflict between love and duty has devastating consequences....
2114 руб.
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