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Acharya S.

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E-Waste Generation and its Impact on Water Sector in Nepal Acharya S.
E-Waste Generation and its Impact on Water Sector in Nepal
Over the last decade, the technological development has revolutionized the world. Electrical and electronic products have become ubiquitous in modern day life. The technological boom has, however, brought with it a new problem – the problem of e-waste that barely existed to cause concern two decades ago....
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Young People and HIV/AIDS- Acharya S.
Young People and HIV/AIDS-
Films made with socially relevant themes have become epitome in relfecting literary realism in Hindi Cinema. Issues dealt in these films range from the plight of farmers to independence struggle;and social discrimination. Cinema is a strong medium of influence and can therefore, be used for the most contextual concern of today- the HIV/AIDS....
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Citizen``s Charter for improving Municipal Services: Myth or Reality? Acharya S.
Citizen``s Charter for improving Municipal Services: Myth or Reality?
This study aims to understand the level of citizens\"\" satisfaction with municipal services and thereby examines their perception regarding the service quality after the implementation of Citizen\"\"s Charter. It is based on nationwide survey data of Nepal collected from 988 service users of 10 municipalities....
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Population, Gender and Development Acharya S.
Population, Gender and Development
With the initiation of planned approach to development in 1960s, Nepal adopted population policy aimed at striking a balance between high and rising population growth and low levels of socio-economic development. In the early days the major focus of the policy was on curbing high fertility levels through family planning programs....
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Language of Recitation Acharya S.
Language of Recitation
This work aims to illustrate the pragmatic and discourse analysis of recitation of poems under the allied grammatical functions, phonetic representations, semiotic applications, semantic interpretations and psycholinguistic evaluation....
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Malnutrition among urban adolescents, an emerging public health threat Acharya S. Gupta R.
Malnutrition among urban adolescents, an emerging public health threat
Written in a lucid and easy to read style in a sequential manner for easy understanding, this research work is intended for gaining insight into the causes of increasing prevalence of malnutrition among urban adolescents, its causes and possible solutions to halt the basic causes leading to emerging epidemic of Non Communicable Diseases right from ...
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Dentoalveolar Distraction Osteogenesis Acharya S. Akheel S.
Dentoalveolar Distraction Osteogenesis
This book gives an insight about \\\"DENTOALVEOLAR DISTRACTION OSTEOGENESIS\\\" with case illustrations. This book potrays review of literature, case photographs, procedure of the D.O. discussion along with bibliography. We hope this book will be beneficial to consultants and residents of orthodontics....
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Processing of Nux-vomica in Indian System of Medicine Acharya S.
Processing of Nux-vomica in Indian System of Medicine
Strychnos nux-vomica Linn.(Loganiaceae) commonly known as Nux-vomica (Kupeelu), is a poisonous plant and its seeds are used widely in Ayurvedic system of medicine since time immemorial. Certain compound formulations containing Kupeelu are also well practiced in Homeopathy and Unani System of Medicine....
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Parents` Involvement and Their Children`s Mathematics Achievement Acharya S.
Parents` Involvement and Their Children`s Mathematics Achievement
The researcher has passed a decade long experience as a mathematics teacher at secondary level in Nepal. Triggered by the recurrent failure of students in Mathematics achievement in the upper school level, this research was carried out to find the role of parents\" involvement in their children\"s performance....
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Opuntia Elatior Acharya S. Itankar P.
Opuntia Elatior
Opuntia elatior Mill. (Cactaceae) is a xerophytic perennial bushy shrub, 1-3 m tall, widely distributed throughout India. It is commonly known as Prickly pear and Slipper Thorn. Almost all parts of the plant are used in traditional medicinal system for curing various diseases....
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Tectona Grandis - A Useful Herb Acharya S. Bhangale J.
Tectona Grandis - A Useful Herb
The aqueous extract of Tectona grandis bark (ATG) was investigated for anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive activity at the doses (p.o.) of 100, 200 and 400 mg/kg body weight. The acetic acid-induced writhing response, tail immersion test and hot plate test were used to assess antino-ciceptive activity....
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Shodhana of Abrus precatorius Linn seeds; an ayurvedic approach Acharya S.
Shodhana of Abrus precatorius Linn seeds; an ayurvedic approach
Ayurveda uses many poisonous plants in therapeutics after proper shodhana (Purificatory procedures). A study was undertaken to evaluate the phytopharmacognostical and anti-microbial activity of gunja (Abrus precatorius Linn.) seeds, included under the upavisha (semi-poison) category, before and after Shodhana through four different medias....
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A Dialogical Hermeneutic of a Hindu-Christian Acharya S.
A Dialogical Hermeneutic of a Hindu-Christian
One of the most significant features of theory of dialogical self is that it is devised in the conviction that insight into the workings of the human self requires cross-fertilization between different fields....
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Dental Management Of The Medically Compromised Patient Acharya S.
Dental Management Of The Medically Compromised Patient
Dental Management Of The Medically Compromised Patient is an up-to-date, concise, factual reference describing the dental management of patients with selected medical problems....
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Dental Plaque As A Biofilm Acharya S.
Dental Plaque As A Biofilm
Dental plaque was found to be an extremely well structured entity with temporal or spatial heterogeneity enabling fastidious organisms to survive in apparently hostile or incompatible environments.The presence of certain organisms played a major role, in the presence of certain other and the absence of few other species....
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