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Forster M.

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Howards End Forster M.
Howards End
258.79 руб.
The Machine Stops Forster M.
The Machine Stops
The Machine Stops is a science fiction short story by E. M. Forster. After initial publication in The Oxford and Cambridge Review (November 1909), the story was republished in Forster's The Eternal Moment and Other Stories in 1928....
345.34 руб.
A Room with a View – When Lucy Honeychurch embarks on a journey of a lifetime to Italy, little does she know that she would fall for the reckless man George, with whom she and co-traveller had exchanged the room with in Florence....
0 руб.
Keeping the World Away Forster M.
Keeping the World Away
Lost, found, stolen, strayed, sold, fought over... This engrossing, beautifully crafted novel follows the fictional adventures, over a hundred years, of an early 20th-century painting and the women whose lives it touches....
2382 руб.
Georgy Girl Forster M.
Georgy Girl
Georgy is young, gregarious and fun - she is also large, self-confessedly ugly and desperate for love....
2382 руб.
Have The Men Had Enough? Forster M.
Have The Men Had Enough?
What do men run away from? Not war, not physical hardship, but the day-to-day emotional demands of impossible domestic situations. That\"s women\"s work. This is a story of female courage, where black comedy turns to disturbing pathos revolving around the rights of an indomitable woman....
2382 руб.
Diary of an Ordinary Woman Forster M.
Diary of an Ordinary Woman
Margaret Forster presents the \"edited\" diary of a woman, born in 1901, whose life spans the twentieth century. On the eve of the Great War, Millicent King begins to keep her journal and vividly records the dramas of everyday life in a family touched by war, tragedy, and money troubles....
2264 руб.
Mit Erfolg zu telc C1 Hochschule. Testbuch Forster M. Hantschel H. Hohmann S.
Mit Erfolg zu telc C1 Hochschule. Testbuch
Das Testbuch bietet: Ausfuhrliche Erlauterungen zur Prufung Detaillierte Beschreibungen aller vier Prufungsteile/ Subtests: Leseverstehen (inklusive Sprachbausteine) Horverstehen Schriftlicher Ausdruck Mundlicher Ausdruck Drei komplette Modelltests zum Uben Losungsstrategien, Tipps und Hinweise zur optimalen Prufungsvorbereitung Die Transkription ...
3394 руб.
Wittgenstein on the Arbitrariness of Grammar Forster M.
Wittgenstein on the Arbitrariness of Grammar
What is the nature of a conceptual scheme? Are there alternative conceptual schemes? If so, are some more justifiable or correct than others?...
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Kant and Skepticism Forster M.
Kant and Skepticism
This book puts forward a much-needed reappraisal of Immanuel Kant's conception of and response to skepticism, as set forth principally in the Critique of Pure Reason....
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