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Singh D.

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Topics in Population and Health Singh D.
Topics in Population and Health
This book is my first effort in highlighting some of the general issues in population and health. This book is divided into two sections-section 1 is about topics in population while section 2 is about topics in health....
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HTML & JavaScript Practice Questions Singh D.
HTML & JavaScript Practice Questions
The book is a complete set of HTML and JavaScript Programming Examples. The examples are well tested and based on the syllabus of Masters Degree of Computer Science Students. ...
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Photo/Chemo stimulus. A New Approach To Control Fasciolosis Singh D. Singh V. Tripathi A.
Photo/Chemo stimulus. A New Approach To Control Fasciolosis
Light and their colors are a powerful stimulus to attract human as well as humans. Different spectrum of light and their intensity play a major role in the physiological activity. Light stimulation change the activity of enzyme and pheromones and affect the behavior of organisms....
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Water Supply Infrastructure and Service Delivery in Ethiopia Singh D.
Water Supply Infrastructure and Service Delivery in Ethiopia
Demand for water supply infrastructure is much greater than its supply due to rapid population growth in Gimbi town .Objective of this study is to assess the overall conditions of water supply infrastructure and service delivery in the town. Descriptive type of study was conducted and both primary and secondary were collected....
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Wastewater management in National Capital Territory of India Sharma D. Singh D.
Wastewater management in National Capital Territory of India
The study compiles the existing wastewater management in capital city of India commonly known as New Delhi.It has population of more than one million which is expected to grow more than two million by 2021.In 2002-03, the per capita consumption of water in Delhi was 65.90gallons per day....
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Contemporary Issues of Identity, Marginality and Space Singh D.
Contemporary Issues of Identity, Marginality and Space
All over the world identity based movement brings to the fore questions of one’s space, displacement, community, identity and politics....
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Utilization of Reproductive and Child Health Services Singh D.
Utilization of Reproductive and Child Health Services
In this research, I have tried to probe in to aspects of reproductive health of the women dwelling in the urban slums with the understanding that slum is a complex of the larger socio-cultural milieu. Individuals or households of the slum setting practice their health activities with different sets of economic, social and cultural belongings....
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Information Need of the Rural Families: A Study in Nagra Block (U.P.) Singh D.
Information Need of the Rural Families: A Study in Nagra Block (U.P.)
Information need is an individual or group\"s desire to locate and obtain information to satisfy a conscious or unconscious need. Although we know the potential of rural sector, we have not given due importance to rural information services. Now the time is ripe when we can no longer ignore the information needs of the rural people....
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The Visually Impaired Children Singh D.
The Visually Impaired Children
The Visually Impaired children are the members of our own society. They should not be neglected.They have different needs and problems.In order to cope with their needs, many NGO\"s have come forward. Due to the interference of Special Education too, people now use to give recognition to these children....
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Johad, popularly known as pond, is a well known traditional system of water harvesting for lean periods in several parts of peninsular India. To get a bucket of drinking water is a struggle for most women in the country....
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Coverage of Maternal & Child Health and Family Welfare Services Sahni B. Singh D.
Coverage of Maternal & Child Health and Family Welfare Services
A study elicit the coverage of MCH and Family Welfare services at sub centre level was carried out in R. S. Pura block which is the rural field practice area of Government Medical College, Jammu, India.Out of the existing 25 sub centres, 10 sub-centres were randomly selected for the purpose of study....
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Performance of Indian Non-Life Insurance Industry Singh D.
Performance of Indian Non-Life Insurance Industry
The contours of insurance business have been changing across the globe and the rippling effect of the same can be observed in the Indian market as well. The insurance industry of India has started to reveal the potential after the process of reforms were started....
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CRM in Service Organizations Singh D.
CRM in Service Organizations
CRM is a comprehensive business and marketing strategy that integrates technology, process and business activities around the customers....
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Laboratory Manual On Immunology and Molecular Biology Singh D.
Laboratory Manual On Immunology and Molecular Biology
The Experimental protocols of Immunology & Molecular Biology are presented so as to be readily used at the laboratory bench. Although a number of the procedures described represent the tried and trusted, we have striven to include variants on existing technologies that an experiment can be performed....
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Protein-Protein Interactions Classification Singh D.
Protein-Protein Interactions Classification
Proteomics is the large-scale study of proteins, particularly their structures and functions. Proteins are vital parts of living organisms, as they are the main components of the physiological metabolic pathways of cells. Most proteins function in collaboration with other proteins and one goal of proteomics is to identify which proteins interact....
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