Staff P.
Библиография книг автора
Meeting P.
Staff P.
A Collection of Memorials Concerning Diverse Deceased Ministers and Others of the People Called Quakers in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Parts Adjac
This volume contains brief biographical articles on 165 Quakers from the areas indicated. Men and women are about equally represented. Most were born between 1650 and 1720, and a large number of these individuals were immigrants to the colonies....
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Staff A.
Staff P.
Know What the CTO Knows - A Straightforward, Easy to Understand Brief on What Every Business Professional Should Know About Technology
Bigwig Briefs: Know What the CTO Knows explains in an easy to understand language and format the tricks of the technology trade and can enable anyone to understand and speak the language of the techies in the short time it takes to read this book....
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Staff A.
Staff P.
Idea Development Journal
Bigwig Briefs: Become a VC includes knowledge excerpts from some of the leading venture capitalists in the world on ways to become VC, be successful, and rise through the ranks....
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Henckel D.
Staff P.
Pump Up Your Profits: 52 Cost-Saving Ideas to Build Your Bottom Line (52 Ways Series)
Save your restaurant a bundle this year with tried-and-true measures to widen profit margins and narrow wasteful practices....
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