Информация об авторе

Helm J.

Библиография книг автора

Camp Cooking Italian Style Helm J.
Camp Cooking Italian Style
A guide and a collection of easy to cook recipes inspired by Italian traditional cooking and the Italian love of good food that can be prepared in a short time with limited facilities while camping, boating, in small kitchens or just at home in a short amount of time. With notes and pictures about life and outdoor living in Italy....
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Create and Publish Your Book with Microsoft Powerpoint Helm J.
Create and Publish Your Book with Microsoft Powerpoint
Creating and publishing your book just got a lot easier. Using the tools you already have in Microsoft Office you can easily create books that are full of images and text. Make and publish cookbooks, technical books, how to books, children\'s books and many other types, easily without the help of costly professional services....
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Cooking Light The Food Lover's Healthy Habits Cookbook: Great Food & Expert Advice That Will Change Your Life Helm J. Light E.
Cooking Light The Food Lover's Healthy Habits Cookbook: Great Food & Expert Advice That Will Change Your Life
\"The Cooking Light 12 Healthy Habits\" is \"Cooking Light\" magazine\'s healthy lifestyle program and philosophy-tested and proven by \"Cooking Light\" staff and readers. The program is simple: Readers incorporate small lifestyle changes to their daily routine (one habit/one month at a time) and over a year they see big results....
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Everyones's Italian Cook Book: Luisa Melacini Helm J.
Everyones's Italian Cook Book: Luisa Melacini
A collection of easy to cook recipes inspired by Italian traditional cooking and the Italian love of good food that can be prepared in a short time by just about anyone: experienced cooks or those just learning. With notes and pictures about life and living in Italy. A book to keep handy when wondering what to cook in today?s busy life style....
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Untapped Options: Building Links Between Marketing and Human Resources to Achieve Organizational Goals in Health Care Helm J. Helm J. Northcott B. Northcott B.
Untapped Options: Building Links Between Marketing and Human Resources to Achieve Organizational Goals in Health Care
An AHA Press/Jossey-Bass Resource Untapped Options is an invaluable resource for health care leaders who want to help their organizations succeed....
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