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Skinner B.

Библиография книг автора

Sexuality in Greek and Roman Culture Skinner B.
Sexuality in Greek and Roman Culture
This agenda-setting text has been fully revised in its second edition, with coverage extended into the Christian era. It remains the most comprehensive and engaging introduction to the sexual cultures of ancient Greece and Rome....
5259.81 руб.
Verbal Behavior Skinner B.
Verbal Behavior
At the age of 30, B. F. Skinner found himself at a dinner sitting next to Professor Alfred North Whitehead. Never one to lose an opportunity to promote behaviorism, Skinner expounded its main tenets to the distinguished philosopher. Whitehead acknowledged that science might account for most of human behavior but he would not include verbalbehavior....
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The Westrn front of the Eastern church Skinner B.
The Westrn front of the Eastern church
This book addresses the shifting identity of Ruthenians on both sides of Orthodox/Uniate divide....
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Walden Two Skinner B.
Walden Two
This fictional outline of a modern utopia has been a center of controversy ever since its publication in 1948. Set in the United States, it pictures a society in which human problems are solved by a scientific technology of human conduct....
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Earth Resources and the Environment (4th Edition) Craig J. Skinner B. Vaughan D.
Earth Resources and the Environment (4th Edition)
Balanced, broad-based, and up to date, this comprehensive text explores the nature and critical issues of earth resources and the impacts that resource usage has on the earth environment. The authors offer full coverage of all major types of earth resources—energy, metallic, nonmetallic, water, soil. A minimal scientific background is assumed....
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Instructor?s Resource Manager CD–ROM to Accompany Murck/Skinner The Home Planet and Skinner/Porter/ Botkin Blue Planet Second Edition Skinner B.
Instructor?s Resource Manager CD–ROM to Accompany Murck/Skinner The Home Planet and Skinner/Porter/ Botkin Blue Planet Second Edition
Instructor?s Resource Manager CD–ROM to Accompany Murck/Skinner The Home Planet and Skinner/Porter/ Botkin Blue Planet Second Edition...
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Event Sponsorship Skinner B.
Event Sponsorship
State–of–the–art methods for finding, securing, and retaining the best corporate sponsors The authoritative guide to creating and closing deals with irresistible ROIs Event Sponsorship provides step–by–step guidelines for attracting, signing, and keeping sponsorship for any event, including festivals, conventions, expositions, sporting events, arts...
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