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Valadez M.

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State Building in the Middle of a Geopolitical Struggle Valadez M.
State Building in the Middle of a Geopolitical Struggle
Rolando Dromundo presents a political and historical analysis of the state-building processes in Ukraine, Moldova, and the unrecognized Republic of Pridnestrovia from the Soviet fall until 2015, starting with a sketch of the main geopolitical trend that surrounds these polities and its influences on them, and paying special attention to the vicissi...
3115.47 руб.
Subnational Capital Markets in Developing Countries: From Theory and Practice Freire M. Huertas M. Petersen J. Valadez M.
Subnational Capital Markets in Developing Countries: From Theory and Practice
Within the framework of increasing decentralization, the need for local governments to access financial markets is growing. As urbanization expands, local authorities need to provide more services with fewer resources from the central government....
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