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Hollensen S.

Библиография книг автора

The Quintessence of Marketing. What You Really Need to Know to Manage Your Marketing Activities Bickhoff N. Hollensen S. Opresnik M.
The Quintessence of Marketing. What You Really Need to Know to Manage Your Marketing Activities
Книга "The Quintessence of Marketing. What You Really Need to Know to Manage Your Marketing Activities". ...
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Essentials of Global Marketing Hollensen S.
Essentials of Global Marketing
Essentials of Global Marketing\' has a clear structure, with a starting point in the SMEs and the five main decisions that SMEs (and larger firms) face in connection with the internationalization process: Part 1: The decision whether to......
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Essentials of Global Marketing Hollensen S.
Essentials of Global Marketing
Essentials of Global Marketing\' has a clear structure, with a starting point in the SMEs and the five main decisions that SMEs (and larger firms) face in connection with the internationalization process: Part 1: The decision whether to internationalize Part 2: Deciding which markets to enter Part 3: Developing the market entry strategies Part 4: D...
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