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Blundell R.

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Stem Cells Technology Blundell R.
Stem Cells Technology
Stem cell therapy undoubtedly starts a new era in therapeutic techniques and applications in patients with no other treatment options. It might provide solutions to incurable diseases, chronic or acute degenerations and a series of other unsolved issues....
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Bones Blundell R.
Bone is that part of the skeletal system which caters for structural stability and protection of the internal organs. It is composed mainly of cells and a collagenous extracellular matrix (type 1 collagen) called osteoid which becomes mineralised by the deposition of calcium hydroxyapatite crystals....
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Infertility Blundell R.
Infertility affects one’s life at the very core – feelings of anger, depression and guilt are very commonly experienced by infertile couples. The causes of infertility are many; amongst the most common are blockages of the fallopian tubes, endometriosis, low sperm counts and poor sperm motility and/or morphology....
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Genome of the Maltese Goat Blundell R.
Genome of the Maltese Goat
Two different strategies to amplify anonymous fragments from the genome of Maltese Goat were studied. The first strategy ultised \\\"arms\\\" generated by restriction digests of amplicons. Ligation of the \\\"arms\\\" to a fragment from the goat genome were amplified using the primers complimentary to \\\"arms\\\", by a standard PCR technique....
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P21 Regulation in Lung Epithelial Cells Blundell R.
P21 Regulation in Lung Epithelial Cells
After lung injury epithelial cells are damaged may be shed thus denuding the basement membrane. The normal response to injury is usually an inflammatory reaction, deposition of new extracellular matrix that incorporates various growth factors, influx of inflammatory cells and regeneration of lost epithelial cells....
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Isolation of Legionella Blundell R.
Isolation of Legionella
Legionella species are Gram negative aerobic bacilli which stain poorly with most aniline dyes. They are non-sporing, and are usually motile by means of one or more subpolar flagella. Most Legionella species are short rods but some strains have filamentous forms....
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Cancer Blundell R.
During the past decades, cancer research has expanded rapidly due to the relatively high incidence rate of cancer and high death rate linked to it. The type and the extent of aggressiveness of particular cancers are determined by specific flaws in the cell cycle regulation....
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Seeking a Premier Economy: The Economic Effects of British Economic Reforms, 1980-2000 (National Bureau of Economic Research) Blundell R. Card D. Card D. Freeman R. P L.
Seeking a Premier Economy: The Economic Effects of British Economic Reforms, 1980-2000 (National Bureau of Economic Research)
In the 1980s and 1990s successive United Kingdom governments enacted a series of reforms to establish a more market-oriented economy, closer to the American model and further away from its Western European competitors....
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