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Bhalla A.

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Techniques To Restore Mutilated Deciduous Anterior And Posterior Teeth Bhalla A. Gupta N.
Techniques To Restore Mutilated Deciduous Anterior And Posterior Teeth
Early childhood caries, is a syndrome characterized by severe decay in the teeth of infants or young children. Early childhood caries (ECC) is a very common bacterial infection. Its prevalence is epidemic. The ECC is one of the most common types of caries in infants and toddlers and its prevalence goes from 3.1% to 53% in some population....
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Poverty and Exclusion of Minorities in China and India Bhalla A. Luo D.
Poverty and Exclusion of Minorities in China and India
Muslim minorities in China and India form only a small fraction of their respective populations. Yet as minorities tend to be grouped in troubled border states they are of key strategic importance in the context of the global war on terror....
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Poverty and Inequality among Chinese Minorities (RoutledgeCurzon Studies on the Chinese Economy) Bhalla A. Qiu S.
Poverty and Inequality among Chinese Minorities (RoutledgeCurzon Studies on the Chinese Economy)
The number of poor people in China is huge, despite recent economic advances. The minorities in China constitute less than ten per cent of the entire population, yet they represent forty to fifty per cent of the absolute poor....
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Poverty and Exclusion in a Global World: Second Edition Bhalla A. Lapeyre F.
Poverty and Exclusion in a Global World: Second Edition
This volume looks at the three dimensions of social exclusion: economic, social and political. Exclusion is analyzed as a new approach to such issues as the \"new\" poverty, precariousness, long-term unemployment, social polarization and lack of citizenship. The book shows how relational and distributional aspects of poverty are interlinked....
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Market or Government Failures?: An Asian Perspective Bhalla A.
Market or Government Failures?: An Asian Perspective
This book critiques the attention generally placed on government failures in economic crises. Bhalla tunrs to the market, exploring corporate failures which occur in both public and private spheres. These may be due to lapses in implementation of policies and programs....
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