Hanson G.
Библиография книг автора
Hanson G.
Ellie`s Song
Take one heroine and hero gripped in relationship limbo. Stir in a possible media scandal. Sprinkle lightly with a three-year-old child. Add one potential mother-in-law, a former boyfriend, a celebrity reporter hot for a story break and a Hollywood starlet. Knead above ingredients. Cover and let rise in a warm place. Bake for 31 chapters....
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Hanson G.
Why Does Imigration Divide America?: Public Finance And Political Opposition To Open Borders
Book DescriptionAmericans are roughly divided between those who favor scaling down immigration, out of concern about labor-market pressures and the burden on public finance, and those who support maintaining it at current levels. One result of divisiveness is inaction....
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Boeri T.
Debenedetti F.
Hanson G.
McCormick B.
Immigration Policy and the Welfare State: A Report for the Fondazione Rodolfo Debenedetti
This book draws together and unifies analysis of immigration into the major EU countries and the US, making digestible and transparent the major trends and dramatic developments of the past decade....
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