Zhu Y.
Библиография книг автора
Zhu Y.
Parental Physical Abuse in China
Physical abuse, as well as other forms of child abuse, has become a serious social problem but remains understudied in mainland China. This study examined physically abused children and collected data on how they perceive and interpret their experiences of parental physical abuse and what barriers impede their help-seeking....
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Ghosh B.
Zhu Y.
Modeling Dependence in the Design of Crop Insurance Contracts
In crop insurance it is necessary to understand how underlying risk variability arises from changes in prices, yields, or both. Typically, agricultural risks are not isolated from one another. The underlying risks are dependent in different dimensions, such as time dependence, portfolio dependence, and spatial dependence....
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Zhu Y.
The Impact of Race and Interactions Between Student-Faculty
As enrollment of minority students and recruitment of minority faculty in higher education increase, opportunities for students to interact with racially and ethnically different faculty will become more frequent and pronounced....
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Tuladhar W.
Zhu Y.
Research and implementation of Lobby System in Erlang
This manuscript contains various valuable information regarding the lobby systems in general, what the lobby system is, what it contains, how games are integrated into the lobby system and what must be ensured so that one can keep track of the user\"s status....
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Zhu Y.
Nonlinear Optimization of Chemical Processes
Large scale nonlinear programming (NLP) has proven to be an e?ective framework for obtaining pro?t gains through optimal process design and operations in chemical engineering....
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Wang M.
Webber M.
Webber M.
Zhu Y.
China's Transition to a Global Economy
How has China approached the global economy? Webber, Wang and Zhu attempt to answer this question through analysis of the concepts of globalization, transition and regionalization. China\'s approach has been experimental, stressing the liberalization of trade and investment flows and the development of a market economy....
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Zhu Y.
Chinese Cinema during the Era of Reform : The Ingenuity of the System
Book DescriptionThe political economy and culture of Chinese cinema during the era of China\'s prolonged economic reform has not until now been examined in detail....
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