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Mishra P.

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Run and Hide Mishra P.
Run and Hide
Arun and his two classmates, Aseem and Virendra, are the success stories of their generation. As graduates of the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology, they have smashed social barriers and played-out Gatsby-style fantasies across the globe....
2351 руб.
Run And Hide Mishra P.
Run And Hide
Arun knows there is only way out of this small railway town. He is about to enrol in the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology, determined to make something of himself. But once there, he meets two friends who are prepared to go to unimaginable lengths to succeed....
4055 руб.
Education of Disadvantaged Girls Mishra P.
Education of Disadvantaged Girls
Growth of a country can be ascertained by the growth of its education system and elementary education is an important pillar of whole education system. So, elementary education and the growth and development of a country is very much related. The elementary education for disadvantaged girls is still an issue to be focused....
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Institutional Delivery In India Mishra P.
Institutional Delivery In India
Uttar Pradesh is known to have a very poor level of maternal health as compared to the other states in India. The state stands at a fairly low level of institutional delivery and has very high maternal mortality, as compared to the national average....
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Integration study on National AIDS Control Programme with RCH Mishra P.
Integration study on National AIDS Control Programme with RCH
This study was done as a part of my thesis with the collaboration with CARE,INDIA. During study, I visited health center at different level along with state AIDS control society to exlpore the possibility of integration....
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Evidentiary Value of DNA Tests in Adjudication of Paternity Disputes Mishra P.
Evidentiary Value of DNA Tests in Adjudication of Paternity Disputes
This book is a debutante work of the author whereby she has made an attempt to determine the validity and necessity of the presumption of legitimacy inherent in Section 112 of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872 in the light of constitutional sanction as well as the recent socio-technological advancements....
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Indianizing Hollywood: Inspiration or Infringement? Mishra P.
Indianizing Hollywood: Inspiration or Infringement?
This book provides an in depth analysis of the underlying factors, extent, nature, frequency and repercussions of copyright infringement of American entertainment by Bollywood entities....
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Credit Appraisal of Medium and Large Industrial Units Mishra P. Sowjanya K.
Credit Appraisal of Medium and Large Industrial Units
Finance was not considered so important for business organizations before the industrial revolution because methods of productions were very simple, labor was more important than capital and finance at that time. So these things didn’t create any problems....
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Emphirical Study of Upcoming Port Projects Mishra J. Mishra P.
Emphirical Study of Upcoming Port Projects
Ports along the 7,517 odd Kilometer long peninsular coastline of India have suddenly become the cynosure of investor and public policy attention in India....
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Capital Asset Pricing Model and Stock Prices Deepak S. Mishra P.
Capital Asset Pricing Model and Stock Prices
The CAPM model which was developed by Sharpe (1964), Lintner (1965), and Black (1972) was largely supported by Black, Jensen and Scholes (1972), Fama and Macbeth (1973) and Blume and Friend (1973). Later this method was questioned on various grounds....
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Elementary Education of Disadvantaged Girls: A Case Study of KGBV Mishra P. Shukla A.
Elementary Education of Disadvantaged Girls: A Case Study of KGBV
Education is a basic human right that increases the economic, social and political opportunities available to men and women. After independence the Indian Government has expressed a strong commitment towards education for all....
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Teacher Efficacy In The Context Of School Climate Mishra P.
Teacher Efficacy In The Context Of School Climate
It has been rightly argued that the role of teacher in the era of economical liberalization coupled with the development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is as important as fuels for vehicle. Without effective teacher the holistic development of a learner never be possible....
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Evaluation of pigeon pea genotype against H.armigera and M.obtusa Boya A. Mishra P.
Evaluation of pigeon pea genotype against H.armigera and M.obtusa
The nature and magnitude of important Insects of pigeon pea crop are described in this book. The need to manage these insects to achieve profitable crop production is stressed. These insects are found all over the world, but the principles and methods employed in studying & managing them are essentially the same, regardless of location....
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An approach to Integrated paddy-fish farming Dwivedi P. Mishra P.
An approach to Integrated paddy-fish farming
The paddy-fish farming provides a sustainable alternative tool to rice monoculture. The switch from paddy monoculture to paddy-fish farming is a shift to production of a more balanced diet. In addition, it was secondary farm product in terms of economic return, increase in income and generating the employment potential to the rural masses....
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Active Packaging- An Approach to Minimise Post Harvest Loss of Banana Mishra P. Sen C.
Active Packaging- An Approach to Minimise Post Harvest Loss of Banana
Active packaging is an emerging technology which follows MAP principle in a cost effective way....
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