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Korine H.

Библиография книг автора

A Crack-Up at the Race Riots Korine H.
A Crack-Up at the Race Riots
Originally published by Mainstreet/Doubleday in 1998, this debut novel from an underground filmmaker uses print, photographs, drawings, news clippings, handwriting, a poem, attempted diagrams, and clip art to enhance the text, which primarily tells of a race war that happens in Florida, where the Jewish people sit in trees, the black people are run...
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Rita Ackermann Ackermann R. Clearwater B. Ensslin F. Kelsey J. Korine H.
Rita Ackermann
A native of Hungary, Rita Ackermann moved to New York City in the mid-1990s. She arrived to find a culture (and art world) in transition: rave and zine culture was in full swing; collaborations between artists, musicians, and magazine and book publishers were pervasive; and the dawning of the Internet age was upon us....
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Entrepreneurs and Democracy: A Political Theory of Corporate Governance (Business Value Creation and Society) Gomez P. Korine H.
Entrepreneurs and Democracy: A Political Theory of Corporate Governance (Business Value Creation and Society)
What legitimizes power within a corporation? This question is of concern to the millions of citizens whose lives depend upon the fate of business corporations. Entrepreneurs and Democracy explores the opposing tensions of entrepreneurial force and social fragmentation that form the basis of legitimate corporate governance in modern societies....
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Rita Ackermann & Harmony Korine: Shadowfux Ackermann R. Catala A. Flood R. Korine H.
Rita Ackermann & Harmony Korine: Shadowfux
Separately renowned in their respective mediums of film and painting, Harmony Korine and Rita Ackermann meet in their mutual affection for unorthodox, mischievous beauty, and more specifically in the creation of psychologically jarring figures amplified through fragmented narratives. Shadowfux documents the artists\' first collaboration....
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