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Mutti R.

Библиография книг автора

Giuseppe Ripa: Memories of Stone Mutti R.
Giuseppe Ripa: Memories of Stone
Italian photographer Giuseppe Ripa\'s 2005 Anima Mundi tracked the artist\'s 10-year photographic exploration of natural and spiritual sites around the world, reflecting on the universal impulse to the transcendent from Tibet to Guatemala and Iceland to the Sahara....
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Linda Salerno Honnef K. Kunz M. Mutti R. Salerno L.
Linda Salerno
American artist Linda Salerno (born 1950) is best known for paintings that suggest a nineteenth-century sensibility, which also pervades her photographic work. Salerno\'s photography evokes the wistful grace of Julia Margaret Cameron\'s portraits in its dialogue between nostalgic past and fraught present....
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