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Kearney P.

Библиография книг автора

A Practical Guide to Mindful Meditation Bunting M. Kearney P.
A Practical Guide to Mindful Meditation
What is mindful meditation and how can it improve my life?You hear people talking about it. You may have read research about its benefits. Perhaps you’ve even dabbled in it yourself. You have a sense that it could really make a difference in your life. You’re open and willing to learn....
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The Ten Thousand Kearney P.
The Ten Thousand
On the world of Kuf, the Macht are a mystery, a seldom-seen people of extraordinary ferocity and discipline whose prowess on the battlefield is the stuff of legend. For centuries they have remained within the remote fastnesses of the Harukush Mountains....
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The Mark of Ran : Book One of The Sea Beggars Kearney P.
The Mark of Ran : Book One of The Sea Beggars
Book DescriptionA stunning blend of visionary storytelling and majestic prose, The Mark of Ran is a new masterpiece of imaginative fiction....
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Ships from the West (The Monarchies of God, Book 5) Kearney P.
Ships from the West (The Monarchies of God, Book 5)
Book DescriptionIn the five Ramusian kingdoms, an entire generation has lived in peace. But when old enemies clash, the fate of Normannia will be sealed-once and for all....
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